HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-2023 City Council Work Session Packet CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA Monday, December 11, 2023 - 4:30 PM City Council Chamber Council Members Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson 1. Discussion of Wastewater Infrastructure and Connections outside the Corporate Limits of the City of Fairhope. 2. Discussion of GIS Software Licensing - Planning Department 3. Committee Updates 4. Department Head Updates City Council Agenda Meeting - 5:30 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2023 City Council Chamber Next Regular Meeting – Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. City Council Chamber Page 1 of 6 ~ /4VA~1t{t_ ~ dlas,;,,b < FROM : SUBJECT : AGENDA DATE : CITY OF FAIRHOPE AGENDA MEMORANDUM I Sherry Sullivan , Mayor That unt il further notice and until feasibility studies a re completed , the C ity Ut i lity Department w il l not issue ava ilability certificates for sewer service to new applicants outside the corporate l imits of the City of Fairhope. Certificates of availability may be issued by the City Utility Department , and it may provide sewer service to a subdivision with 4 or fewer lots or a single-fam ily home outside the corporate limits. Addit ionally , as alternate sewer services are not subject to inspect ion or permitting and do not meet the stringe nt standards of the City of Fairhope , an appl icant us ing any of these alternate sewer types or services w ill not be e li g ible for annexatio n i nto the corporate limits of the City of Fairhope. December 11 , 2023 RECOMMENDED AC T ION : Approve the Resolution for Wastewater Infrastructure and Connections outside the City Lim its. BACKGROUND INFORMATION : In recent years , the explos ive growth of the City of Fairhope has put heavy demands on the resources of the City to meet the sewer needs of Fairhope residents and businesses ; and These demands on the C ity 's resources , part icu larly the demand for sewer, have made it i ncreasingly difficult for the C ity to meet the needs of Fairhope 's customers wh ile continu ing with the City 's po li cy of serving sewe r customers outs ide Fa ir hope 's corporate limits ; and Wh i le the City is presently engaged or will be engaged in research and professional studies designed to determ i ne adequate capacity for sewer services and potential expans ion of sewer infrastructure , the success of the effort is far from certa in and , in any event , the costs of securi ng addit ional i nfrast ructure for sewer se rvi ces w ill be substantial ; and The Governing Body of the City of Fa irhope finds and declares its prima ry purpose to be the provision of sewer serv ice to customers located w ith i n the corporate li mits of the I Page 2 of 6 C ity of Fairhope. BUDGET IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE: Account No. Account Title Current Budget Cost Available Budget $ -$ -($_) GRANT: LEGAL IMPACT: FOLLOW UP IMPLEMENTATION: For time-sensitive follow up , select deadline date for follow up: lndividual(s) responsible for follow up : Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed): Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION N O . --- WHEREAS , in recent ye ars the explosive growth of the City of Fairhope has put heavy demand s on the resources of the City to meet the sewer needs of Fairhope residents and busines ses; and WHEREAS , these demands on the City's resources , particularly the demand for sewer, have made it increasingly difficult for the City to meet the needs of Fairhope's customers while continuing with the City 's policy of serving sewer customers outside Fairhope's corporate limits; and WHEREAS , while the City is presently engaged or will be engaged in research and profe ss ional studi es designed to determine adequate capacity for sewer services and potential ex pansion of sewer infrastructure , the success of the effort is far from certain and, in any eve nt , the costs of securing add iti onal infrastructure for sewer services will be substantial ; and WHEREAS , th e Governing Body of the City of Fairho pe finds and declares it s primary purpose to be th e provision of sewer service to customers located within the corporate lim its of the City of Fairhope . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That until further notice and until feasibi lity studies are completed, the City Utility Department will not issue availability certificates for sewer service to new applicants outside the corporate limits of the City of Fairhope. Certificates of ava ilability may b e issued by the City Utility Department and it may provide sewer service to a subdi vision with 4 or fewer lots or a single-family home outside the corporate limit s. Additionally, as alternate sewer services including but not limited to septic tanks , aero bic lagoo ns , hydrograph lagoons, trench filters , alternate commercial services , etc., are not subject to in spection or permitting and do not meet the stringent standards of the City of Fairhope, an applicant using any of these alternate sewer types or services will not be eligible for annexation into the corporate limit s of the City of Fairhop e. ADOPTED THIS 11 TH DA Y OF DECEMBER , 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MM C City Clerk Corey Martin, Council President Page 4 of 6 CITY OF FAIRHOPE AGENDA MEMORANDUM FROM:Cynthia Beaudreau SUBJECT:Discussion of GIS Software Licensing – Planning Department AGENDA DATE: December 11, 2023 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning Department to discuss GIS Software Licensing at Work Session. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: BUDGET IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE: Account No.Account Title Current Budget Cost Available Budget $___$___($____) GRANT: LEGAL IMPACT: FOLLOW UP IMPLEMENTATION: For time-sensitive follow up, select deadline date for follow up: Individual(s) responsible for follow up: Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed): Page 5 of 6 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: December 5, 2023 TO: Lisa Hanks City Clerk FROM: Hunter Simmons Planning and Zoning Director RE: Request from Planning Department for Work Session Agenda Request from the Planning Department to be placed on the December 11, 2023, Work Session Agenda to discuss GIS-like software licensing. Page 6 of 6