HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-2023 Work Session MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA
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The City Council met in a Work Session
at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chambers,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532,
on Monday, 22 March 2023
Present were Council President Jay Robinson, Councilmembers: Jack Burrell,
Corey Martin, Jimmy Conyers, and Kevin Boone; Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City
Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and Assistant City Clerk Jenny Opal Wilson. City
Clerk Lisa A. Hanks was absent.
Council President Jay Robinson called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Council President Robinson moved forward to Item No. 1 Discussion of Mardi
Gras Issues.
Paige Crawford, Director of Community Affairs provided a handout to the City
Council and discussed the City of Fairhope Parade Rules and Regulations with
recommendations for consideration. Ms. Crawford noted the City of Fairhope Parade
Rules and Regulations have not been updated since 1993. The Public Works
Department, Police Department, Department Community Affairs, and the Civic Center
met internally to discuss putting forth recommendations. Ms. Crawford addressed the
following items with Council:
•Parade Ordinance
•Parade Permits Fees
•Designate Organization Representatives
•Application Update
•No Sunday Parades
•No Rain Dates
•Overtime Costs (Police Department and Public Works Department)
•RV Parking
•Handicap Parking
•Political Signage
Lieutenant, Shane Nolte discussed Safety 1s a priority. Lieutenant Nolte
addressed the following items with Council:
•Parade Walkers
•Float Escorts
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
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•Proposed Parade Time 6:45 p.m. (All Parades)
•New Barricades
•Alcohol, Smoking or Vapes on Floats
•Modify Throws and Ban Confetti Mylar
Lieutenant Nolte extended appreciation to Council for consideration.
Ms. Crawford finalized discussion with Council for input and cleanup of the
City of Fairhope Parade Rules and Regulations for next year.
Council encouraged attending meetings as a liaison and to bring back for further
discussion at a Work Session.
Council President Robinson thanked Ms. Crawford, Lieutenant Nolte, and Ms.
Jennifer Olmstead.
Council President Robinson moved forward to Item No. 2 the "Committee
Councilmember Burrell gave Airport Authority update. Two (2) appointments
by Council at the March 13, 2023 Council Meeting for a six (6) year term, Mr. Don
Ward was appointed and Mr. William Bruce reappointed. Interest for ground leases on
east side. Mayor Sullivan and the City received grant for East Side Terminal. There
are plans for a road. Authority voted at last meeting to apply for a grant for federal
monies to help with infrastructure and market properties on west side.
Councilmember Burrell gave Recreation Board update. Recreation Board had
seven (7) applicants that applied and nominated two (2) nominees Mr. Josh Warren and
Ms. Debra Flowers. Their appointments are on Council Agenda this evening.
Councilmember Martin gave Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board (FEAB)
update. FEAB is now on the website. FEAB met with Mayor Sullivan on priorities
and enviromnental impact.
Councilmember Conyers gave Library Board update. Library Board Meeting
scheduled on Monday, April 17, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at the Fairhope Public Library.
Councilmember Boone had no update.
Council President Robinson gave Historic Preservation Committee update.
Historic Preservation Committee will have a Special Called Meeting on Tuesday,
March 28, 2022 at 11 :00 a.m. at the Fairhope Museum of History reference the
Historical Preservation Ordinance.
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
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Council President Robinson moved forward to Item No. 3 on agenda
"Department Head Updates".
Richard Johnson, Public Works Director gave report on Road Paving
Recommendation. Mr. Johnson gave copy of the report to City Council. Copy will be
included within the minutes.
Project 2023-PWI 012 -City-Wide Roadway Resurfacing
1.Bancroft Alley -220 LF/0.04 Mile -$12,000.00
2.Harver Lane (Cul-de-sac) -200 LF/0.04 Mile -$7,500.00
3.Windmill Road-2565 LF/0.49 Mile -$56,155.00
4.White Avenue -3500 LF/0.66 Mile -$98,285.00
5.River Oaks Subdivision-5750 LF/1.10 Mile -$162,653.00
6.Sea Cliff Dr (City)-2475 LF/0.47 Mile -$82,679.00
7.Bayou Drive -1570 LF/0.30 Mile -$52,278.00
8.Quail Creek Drive-2210 LF/0.42 Mile-$72,599.00
9.Idlewild Drive -1350 LF/0.26 Mile -$75,318.00
Paving Budget Totals: 19840 LF/3.76 Miles -$619,467.00
Other Capital Paving Projects:
I.Pecan Building Parking -4667 Sq. Yards -$105,000.00
2.City Hall/Civic Center Parking -3680 Sq. Yards -$75,000.00
Other Funding Totals: 8347 Sq. Yards -$180,000.00
Total Paving Expenditures FY2023: $799,467.00
Mr. Johnson reported gas tax of $200,000.00 will apply to resurfacing roads.
Richard Johnson, Public Works Director discussed Item No. 8 that Mayor
Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for
Archaeology Monitoring for the Arts Alley Transit Hub Project (RFP No. 005-20) with
TerraXplorations, Inc. to add additional services in the amount of $10,000.00 which
increases the not-to-exceed amount limit to $20,000.00.
Council President Robinson thanked Mr. Johnson.
Jason Langley, Water and Wastewater Superintendent discussed Item No. 7 that
the City Council approves the selection of GeoCon Engineering and Testing, Inc. to
perform Professional Engineering for Special Inspections and Construction Materials
Testing for the Water Treatment Plant No. 3 (RFQ No. PS23-0l 8); and hereby
1.Bancroft Alley - 220 L.F.
_JU I I I I ' L A_i
Falmope Fal"'-
I I , ,-
J Bancroft Alley -220 L.F. I /
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2023..PWI 0012
Paving Map --t 10 2D 40 eo 80Feetl □Parcell
2.Haver Lane -200 L.F. (Cul-de-sac)
Haver Lane -200 L.F.
2023-PWI 0012
Paving Map □-
-- CenterliMI
3.Windmill Road - 2565 L.F.
2023-PWI 0012
Paving Map
-RoadCan-... 71 1SI 31111 4111
4.White Avenue -3500 L.F.
5.River Oaks Subdivision - 5750 L.F.
Paving Map □-
Riveroaks Dr -1150 L.F.
Oakwood Dr -2750 L.F.
Driftwood Ave -1100 L.F.
SageBrush Lp - 750 L.F.
1.1 Miles of Resurfacing
200 300
6.Sea Cliff Dr (City) -2475 L.F.
2023-PWI 0012
Paving Map □P--�
City Limits
! Daphne
GullShcno -1.tmoy
-MlgnoliaSpringo -Onnge-
PonlidoBNch ---
Spora11Fcr1 --
0 100200
7.Bayou Drive - 1570 L. F.
2023-PWI 0012
Paving Map
-Road Centerlines
10 37.5 75 N-150 225
8.Quail Creek Drive -2210 L.F.
Quail Creek Drive -2210 L.F.
O 71 11111 :!1111 4IIO 1100 F•
2023-PWI 0012
Paving Map □-
9.ldlewild Drive-1350 L.F.
I I I 11 I I 2023-PWI 0012 r•.,_ ---·-r..,_ Paving Map --□-ITIL-\_
--Centt�ineo I I
L ;� =-n I I I I ,-/ ("owUd:•rr ''. LF T ---I➔, i
,,I. . l-1-J-.trI 1 --�---·
N I A ,----I w� --
IO IO 100 200 300 �..,J lln -I
Not Ranked - Pecan Building Parking -4667 Sq. Yards
100 150 200 I j. .eel
Pecan Building Parking
4,667 Sq. Yards
2023-PWI 0012
Paving Map QParmls
-Road Centerlines
Project 2023-PWI 012 -City -Wide Roadway Resurfacing
Riveroaks Dr.
•Width 2p'
•Length l l SO•
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill �e,_
•Valley Gutter damage /Von c;..
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing 4A
•Does the road need leveling a CCJ&,.,p/r_ 5fb!s
•Road striping Double yellow NQ sktpi "'
•Stop bars 2.
•Crosswalk Striping
•Sidewalk No
• Signage &ood
Jo. b(\,4' c.
Brief description of road/ comments:
Wot:J po.rl o-t �< roo.d � -1,,kL CJ&-lrtUtt� .fo D,..;�1-,,.u,0 J A.<_.
Oakwood Ave.
•Width 2o'
•Length 23:Sb'
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill �'("-<
f sd:ro" l'\<<-d s h, �( • Valley Gutter damage
• HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing I? IA 7
•Does the road need leveling a �fie.-,yr!«CS
•Road striping-Double yellow A/a
•Stop bars I S ttlp bo.c
•Crosswalk Striping A I ()b c,�
•Sidewalk Alo Qo.r,oQ j .c.
•Signage C,aod
Brief description of road/ comments:
--,i,, i"' �/ f -Ht YOV:) kou T , f C,J,A.J roa.c/ GtJ ts
Driftwood Ave.
•Width 20'
•Length f 100'
• Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill &6-:
•Valley Gutter damage No at-
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing
•Does the road need leveling no
•Road striping -Double yellow No 5/r:ipi '13
•Stop bars 2. .s\bp 'cc..6
•Crosswalk Striping No n c..
•Sidewalk Na ch� e
•Signage bone/
Brief description of road / comments:
Sagebrush Loop
•Width lo'
•Length 3'SO"
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill �C-e
•Valley Gutter damage Not)'C.
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing
•Does the road need leveling l?o
•Road striping -Double yellow No .sMpi �
•Stop bars 2 S� \x+< S
•Crosswalk Striping NON-
•Sidewalk Ji1ee> <'.'9Yk •d �'.S
•Signage 4..-J.
Brief description of road/ comments:
Bayou Dr.
•Length ( Sl:o'
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill �e.,
•Valley Gutter damage �� 4)00 , Qlr\4 :s«-£:ti'® ,,._ c,.u\-o-n: (cur:os5
� CA"V\ N ,,,_ �\u-£�'\-\, ��n.c..<-
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing
•Does the road need leveling /)Q
•Road striping - Double yellow "-( ,s.
•Stop bars '-f
•Crosswalk Striping �
•Sidewalk 6ooJ.
•Signage C:J pc;J
Brief description of road / comments: &�b� "'�\'o\<.-���u.\-rooc\, � rood c»b
•Width fS 'fi \
•Length 25\c,5 '
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill /10
•Valley Gutter damage Not'\,
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing no
•Does the road need leveling /20
•Road striping -Double yellow '-IC!.
•Stop bars "2..
•Crosswalk Striping Nooe.
•Sidewalk A/ont,.
•Signage C1ocJ
Brief description of road / comments:
Quail Creek Dr. -To subdivision sign
•Width R:bl!>cm, (ucb b e; b'b:o"-tJ.lr\o -2. 4' \J,\,�i \,,¼I)<➔-�\
47�5"79 •Length 2,.2.lO'
•Re surface/Mill/Edge Mill �
•Valley Gutter damage I St di on
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing
•Does the road need leveling
•Road striping -Double yellow
•Stop bars No"c..
•Crosswalk Striping J pccu,skia.; t\ a.rd
•Sidewalk f.tc;?C;(j I C-zolf m,-J-
•Si na e
Brief description of road/ comments: Y� 'no\<..� � Ov� \.\.�(.., C.ro .. ckH� �\.-..:,\<
�� to"'� M cJ'.�� •
ldlewild Rd.
I ( \•Width ,p h>l'v\LC\.,c>.o
•Length (3S0'
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill
•Valley Gutter damage
Jr,; I I
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing -&>.,d � <&"r-(!\c\'e�;¼-lt\.\"J.5:� �c.,.,oc-nc..., •Does the road need leveling
•Road striping -Double yellow NQl'\t.
•Stop bars /Jl?()c.. pn,.sc.n:f:
•Crosswalk Striping I
•Sidewalk Non<-
•Signage 6ood
Brief description of road / comments: &\c..� � oJt ��� 'o'{ �\<�� l>r\J<... E:"°,c..i,l-\a.� ?,•US s·,r-�N?,•
A\� po.�c..-<-s �� \ ... � ,:)� of �A.\ �tA.nc...·
Haver Ln
•Width 20'-1. 7oJY
•Length ,�s" w,:1:h \,:,S' (::\ •\-d t. -$(>.C..
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill
•ValleyGutterd amage 20' Scch�S',. N'.C-6,ta <:!-¢o,cY1 &:one-Cc.,'c. \nL (?:ob
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -SxS flat landing ,;/4-•Does the road need leveling f2o
•Road striping - Double yellow N ClbL,
•Stop bars l Sn,� �J: ..
•Crosswalk Striping f\,Ji::,y
•Sidewalk NA..,,,
•Signage C:lood.-
Brief description of road / comments:
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White Ave
•Width 2o'$9!"; d�
•Length 1,�'
•Resurface/Mill/Edge Mill �e,_.
•Valley Gutter damage /70
•HC Ramps -Dome -8.33% -5x5 flat landing /JQ
•Does the road need leveling 170
•Road striping Double yell ow /\Joi\.(.
•Stop bars 10 ��p MC>
•Crosswalk Striping I c,r-�c,( k..
•Sidewalk (;,90,b
•Slgnage C:,Q,J,
Brief description of road / comments:
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