HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-13-2023 City Council MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 13 February 2023. 9982 Present were Council President Jay Robinson, Councilmembers: Jack Burrell, Corey Martin, Jimmy Conyers, and Kevin Boone; and Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and Assistant City Clerk Jenny Opal Wilson. City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. The invocation was given by Rev. William Parsons III Redeemer Lutheran Church and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Councilmember Conyers moved to approve minutes of the 23 January 2023, Regular City Council Meeting and 23 January 2023 Work Session. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Sullivan had no report. Council President Robinson opened Public Participation for Agenda Items. Gary Gover, 300 Lincoln Street, Fairhope, Alabama came forward and addressed Item #13 Master Planning for the Redevelopment of the Kl Center. In the contractor's proposal there are additional services available if needed for Environmental Analysis, Steering Committee, and Public Engagement. Mr. Gover recommended in deliberations that Council consider these additional services that are important to the success of a Master Plan. Council President Robinson moved forward with Council Comments. Councilmember Burrell discussed the Airport Authority entered into a new contract with realtor Ashurst Niemeyer on property previously marketed on the west side as one parcel. We now have a plan ready for review to break into multiple lots that will make marketable for development and industry and to remove from City books. He discussed a private road off of Hwy 98 McGowin Drive with opportunity to take over maintenance and have access to the Airport property that will make lots more valuable to market if we can work out with owners. Councilmember Martin did not have report. Councilmember Conyers thank the members of KOER for a great parade Saturday night. Congratulations to the Fairhope Middle School Cheerleaders for coming back from Orlando, Florida with a 7 th in nation in Cheerleading. Councilmember Boone gave kudos to our City employees for their work Saturday night on setting up for parades and cleanup afterwards was phenomenal, thank you. Council President extended his appreciation for their service and how quickly work was completed. 9983 13 February 2023 Council President Robinson read Ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1253 and Ordinance No. 1317 and No. 1572; to amend Ordinance No. 1317 and 1572, known as the Fly Creek PUD. The property of Highlands at Fairhope Village, LLC, is approximately 11.76 acres and is generally located on the north and south side of Corte Ridge Road, and East of the Publix on U.S. Highway 98 in Fairhope, Alabama. PPIN Numbers: 369505, 369508, 386030, 386029, 369509. (Introduced at City Council Meeting on January 23, 2023.) Hunter Simmons, Planning Director gave brief of Ordinance and discussed the Staff recommends approval of Case ZC 22.14 Fly Creek PUD (2nd) Amendment with the following conditions: 1)Buildings shall fall within established setbacks and allow room for required landscape/buffers. 2)A formal Site Plan/Multiple Occupancy Project shall be conducted. 3)Final layout of the sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks will be approved during the follow-up Multiple Occupancy Review (MOP) case. Council President Robinson opened Council Comments. Councilmember Burrell asked for clarification on increase/decrease of greenspace. Mr. Simmons asked Ms. Cathy Barnette of Dewberry to clarify. Ms. Barnette commented there was an increase to greenspace, very minute. Councilmember Burrell inquired on total number of units, 330. Mr. Simmons confirmed yes. Councilmember Martin inquired on the completion of the Environmental Trails. Mr. Simmons discussed revised site plan resolves how roads are connected, but final locations of sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks will require more discussion. A condition has been added to clarify final layout of the pedestrian connectivity that will be approved during the follow-up (MOP) review. Councilmember Martin inquired on private roads. Mr. Simmons replied there are three (3) private roads with one ( 1) public road Corte Ridge Road. Councilmember Burrell added an additional comment this particular project is an exception to the rule when changing PUDs. He discussed we should use caution on future discussions of changing PUDs. Councilmember Burrell moved for final adoption to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1253 and Ordinance No. 1317 and 1572; to amend Ordinance No. 1317 and 1572, known as the Fly Creek PUD. The property of Highlands at Fairhope Village, LLC, is approximately 11.76 acres and is generally located on the north and south side of Corte Ridge Road, and East of the Publix on U.S. Highway 98 in Fairhope, Alabama. PPIN Numbers: 369505, 369508, 386030, 386029, 369509. (Introduced at City Council Meeting on January 23, 2023.) Seconded by Councilmember Martin, motion for final adoption passed by the following voice votes: A YE -Burrell, Martin, Conyers, Robinson, and Boone. NAY -None. 9984 13 February 2023 Council President Robinson read Ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1253 and Ordinance No. 1402; to amend Ordinance No. 1042, known as the Idlewild PUD. The property of Fairhope East, LLC, is approximately 10 acres and is generally located on the west side of State Highway 181, south of Fairhope Avenue in Fairhope, Alabama. PPIN Numbers: 261908, 310693. (Introduced at City Council Meeting on January 23, 2023.) Hunter Simmons, Planning Director gave brief of Ordinance and discussed Staff and Planning Commission recommendations for approval of Case ZC 22.06 Idlewild Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment with the following conditions: 1.Provide a strong landscape buff er to provide scre ening, such as evergreens, in addition to providing significant light pollution prevention to be reviewed at time of Multiple Occupancy Project approval. 2.Front setbacks shall be 118'. Council President Robinson opened Council Comments. Councilmember Burrell had concern if ALDOT comes thru and acquires a Right-Of-Way with four (4)lane what happens to setbacks, wetlands, and buffer. Mr. Simmons discussed the Landscape Plan with buffers and highway setback line with boardwalk. He discussed components of the required landscape are within the Highway Construction Setback. Final plans will be reviewed during the MOP review. Councilmember Burrell asked if ALDOT has to approve. Mr. Simmons to confirm. Councilmember Burrell had concern with greenspace. Mr. Simmons discussed proposed development standards/conditions. Greenspace shall meet or exceed the Commercial Multiple Occupancy Project requirement of 10%. Councilmember Burrell inquired on connectivity to Idlewild. Mr. Simmons confirmed pedestrians and low speed vehicles. Councilmember Martin inquired on name change to Boardwalk Village. Mr. Simmons confirmed. Councilmember Burrell had concern with Perimeter Landscape Requirements within ALDOT Highway Inspections that take up the 60 ft. highway construction setbacks. Mr. Simmons confirmed we can handle with a condition. Councilmember Burrell moved for final adoption to amend Zoning Ordinance 1253 and Ordinance No. 1402; to amend Ordinance No. 1402, known as the Idlewild PUD, the property of Fairhope East, LLC, is approximately 10 acres and is generally located on the west side of State Highway 181, south of Fairhope Avenue in Fairhope, Alabama. PPIN Numbers: 261908, 310693. (Introduced at the City Council Meeting on January 23, 2023.) with staff recommendations and additional condition that ALDOT will meet the Perimeter Landscape Requirements within ALDOT highway inspections that take up the 60 ft. highway construction setbacks. Seconded by Councilmember Martin. Motion for final adoption passed by the following voice votes: A YE -Burrell, Martin, Conyers, Robinson, and Boone. NAY -none. 9985 13 February 2023 Council President Robinson read an Ordinance that the City of Fairhope to establish a fund known as the "City of Fairhope Employee Fund." The purpose of the fund shall be to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds derived from sales from vending machines located in all City buildings and facilities. The fund shall be established with funds presently collected from the sales. Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing an Ordinance that the City of Fairhope to establish a fund known as the "City of Fairhope Employee Fund." The purpose of the fund shall be to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds derived from sales from vending machines located in all City buildings and facilities. The fund shall be established with funds presently collected from the sales. (Introduced at City Council Meeting on February 13, 2023.) Councilmember Boone moved to suspend rules for immediate consideration on Ordinance that the City of Fairhope to establish a fund known as the "City of Fairhope Employee Fund." The purpose of the fund shall be to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds derived from sales from vending machines located in all City buildings and facilities. The fund shall be established with funds presently collected from the sales. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers. Motion for immediate consideration passed by the following voice votes: A YE -Burrell, Martin, Conyers, Robinson, and Boone. NAY -none. Councilmember Martin moved for final adoption on Ordinance that The City of Fairhope to establish a fund known as the "City of Fairhope Employee Fund." The purpose of the fund shall be to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds derived from sales from vending machines located in all City buildings and facilities. The fund shall be established with funds presently collected from the sales. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers. Motion for immediate consideration passed by the following voice votes: A YE -Burrell, Martin, Conyers, Robinson, and Boone. NAY -none. Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to award (Bid No. 23-009) to McElhenney Construction Company for Founders Park Athletic Track and Additional Parking Project with a total bid proposal not-to-exceed $2,480,680.04 with condition that track must be certifiable to Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA) standards. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council Presiden t Robinson asked for Council comments. Councilmember Martin discussed turnkey, and proposed bleachers and PA system in the amount of $200,000.00 for completion of project. City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell stated project would have to be rebid with proposal. Richard Johnson, Public Works Director recommended getting bids for Grand Stand and PA System, and will bring back to Council. 13 February 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4682-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: 9986 (I] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids to procure services for (Bid No. 23-009) Founders Park Athletic Track and Additional Parking Project at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2]At the appointed time and place, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for Founders Park Athletic Track and Additional Parking Project [3]After evaluating the bids with the required specifications, McElhenney Construction Company is now awarded (Bid No. 23-009) Founders Park Athletic Track and Additional Parking Project with a total bid proposal not-to-exceed $2,480,680.04, over budget $1,280,680.04. •$250K from Baldwin County Board of Education •$400K from Fairhope Single Tax •General Fund Reserve to be used to cover shortfall. ADOPTED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 , Council President Attest: r--00 0-,, 0-,, V)I! 11. CJ ;1--� ·•I111 11 I -,;11111 1111111111111111111 I --·-··-----------------.. • -I fl1111 1Jllllllllll llllf 111 I ·---------------...... -----. 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I .� I-� -----=-��---� . � ) --- I ;iI -- --� II I ii i ,. ii;: • I ---- i I I• • I l - i i- I i 8 - !iI 5 ;. !1:: • ' i I I I i8 N 0 N w \0 \0 00 00 13 February 2023 ASS a-.n.::�,aJQI• . �wn....., m1111( .. ._.. ..I ... " - -... 1-�-=-I Jlt..-r:11....-...,. ..... .... -·. �r�•-•cr��-I � � rw.u ...,.,� ., a:u::ir .,_, """'M'I•lr�J1,,1,11.N ! ,.-... �'Tl.."'-ln,t,P"1UU'°'IM.A.I ,. ,u J, .....,.,.,N�Pl'l'Ot'�1, rvr ... �am•AID"WAL,._rl'AJill!OUN'\ S , "" ....w«a&."--"•" •lllliUC '�� 'l�.ia,ac U,JIILIII $ fl'.1hl.OO 1.MIC' ...... 'J.!>i.Ul.tJ lllrQH1• 9989 �----·�-·-�""'I �l'C t.DT"llla MDSIIT •'"' I J1111.41a) •"'"'' JI.HG-., $ s.l,IIISj.00 l ll,,s.40«) $ 4".lt).'11 U �J.Mc.c:zc ,� f llMili!lll Councilmember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to award (Bid No. 23-14) to Xtreme Golf Management for Greens Drainage Project for Nine (9) Greens with a total bid proposal not-to-exceed $103,500.00. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4683-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1]That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids to procure services for (Bid No. 23-014) Greens Drainage Project for Nine (9) Greens at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2]At the appointed time and place, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for Greens Drainage Project for Nine (9) Greens [3]After evaluating the bids with the required specifications, Xtreme Golf Management is now awarded (Bid No. 23-14) Greens Drainage Project for Nine (9) Greens with a total bid proposal not-to-exceed $103,500.00, under budget $15,300.00. 13 February 2023 ADOPTED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 Attest: &.� City Clerk '.Clijot•, ..... •-·--· ••••••••••••• •••••••H•••••••••• : .BNM1.1:M1•-Dn11apPn,jeclat_C..._Colno' .c:ii,,,,,.,i �-�! �_111_,o.-..i.A.JIL. �i3Ciiiiiiiii;iiii.o�: · 11a•-.-lliil an ·. llli Dlliiiliiia ---•-; .. IYII) Council President 9990 9991 13 February 2023 Councilmember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of Equipment for Planters Point Publix Lift Station from J.H. Wright & Associates for a total not-to-exceed $163,786.00 that includes equipment, shipping, and startup only, installation of equipment including piping and valves, by others. This equipment is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975, Section 41-16-51 (b )(7). Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimouslyby voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4684-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1]That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of Equipment for PlantersPoint Publix Lift Station from J.H. Wright & Associates for a total not-to-exceed$163,786.00 that includes equipment, shipping, and startup only, installation ofequipment including piping and valves, by others. This equipment is exempt fromformal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975, Section 41-16-5 l(b)(7). ADOPTED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 ATTEST: �:��----sa.Ha�MC City C erk Councilmember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council approves the selection of Volkert, Inc. to perform Professional Engineering Services for Utilities Relocation for Baldwin County's County Road 64 Widening Project (RFQ PS23-13); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sheny Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 9992 13 February 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4685-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1]That the City Council approves the selection of Volkert, Inc. to perform Professional Engineering Services for Utilities Relocation for Baldwin County's County Road 64 Widening Project (RFQ PS23-l 3 ); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 Attest: �u� JSaA.ank s, MMC City Clerk , Council President Councilmember Conyers introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council approves the selection of Volkert, Inc. to perform Professional Engineering Services for Utilities Relocation for State of Alabama's US 31 Project (RFQ PS23-014); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4686-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1]That the City Council approves the selection of Volkert, Inc. to perform Professional Engineering Services for Utilities Relocation for State of Alabama's US 31 Project (RFQ PS23-014); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. 9993 13 February 2023 DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 Attest: �l/:J1� L�s�C City Clerk Councilmember Conyers introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the selection of Watermark Design Group for Professional Architectural & Engineering Services for Master Planning for (RFQ PS020-22) Redevelopment & Remodel of the Fairhope K-1 Center for the Design Phase (that includes providing a Campus Master Plan) andthe Construction Phase (that includes additional site inspections and/or observations);and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract with a not-to­exceed amount of $151,900.00. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passedunanimously by voice vote. Council President Robinson asked Council fordiscussion. Councilmember Burrell asked for clarification on grant. City TreasurerKim Creech clarified Items No. 13 and Item No. 14. Resolutions No. 13$151,900.00 no grant. Item No. 14 $293,000.00 EDA grant covering 80%.Councilmember Martin asked for clarification on basement within proposal. RichardJohnson, Public Works Director discussed proposal language. Council PresidentRobinson noted basement will be discussed in Item # 14. RESOLUTION NO. 4687-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1]That the City of Fairhope approves the selection for Professional Architectural &Engineering Services for Master Planning for (RFQ PS020-22) Redevelopment &Remodel of the Fairhope K-1 Center for the Design Phase (that includes providing aCampus Master Plan) and the Construction Phase (that includes additional siteinspections and/or observations); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to 9994 13 February 2023 execute a contract with Watermark Design Group with a not-to-exceed amount of $151,900.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 n, Council President Attest: �/ Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Councilmember Conyers introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the selection of Watermark Design Group for Professional Architectural & Engineering Services (RFQ PS020-22) Redevelopment & Remodel of the Fairhope K-1 Center (Grant Project No. COF-2023 EDA00l); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $293,000.00 subject to the review and approval of the US Chamber of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA), and must comply with all granted related laws, regulations and requirements. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council President Robinson asked Council for further discussion. Councilmembers proposed amending proposal language. Councilmember Martin moved to amend motion on language by striking out the proposal does not include work within basement level but can be amended. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4688-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1]That the City of Fairhope approves the selection for Professional Architectural & Engineering Services (RFQ PS020-22) Redevelopment & Remodel of the Fairhope K-1 Center for Architectural/Engineering Design and Construction Inspection 9995 13 February 2023 Services as part of the Economic Development Administration Grant Project No. COF-2023 EDA00l; and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract with Watermark Design Group with a not-to-exceed amount of $293,000.00 to be paid for with grant funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the approval of this contract is subject to the review and approval of the US Chamber of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA), and must comply with all grant related laws, regulations and requirements. DULY ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 J Attest: �-.�L� ISaA.Hank�,MMC - City Clerk Councilmember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute a South Alabama Mutual Assistance Agreement between the City of Fairhope and among the counties, towns, and cities of the South Alabama Mutual Assistance Compact to provide and receive mutual aid as a result of "Disasters." Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4689-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute a South Alabama Mutual Assistance Agreement between the City of Fairhope and among the counties, towns, and cities of the South Alabama Mutual Assistance Compact to provide and receive mutual aid as a result of fire, flood, storm, epidemic, technological failure or accident, riot, drought, sudden and severe energy shortage, plant or animal infestation or disease, earthquake, explosion, terrorism, or man-made disaster, or other conditions ("Disasters"). 9996 13 February 2023 ADOPTED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2023 Attest: City Clerk Councilmember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City of Fairhope declares a Lenovo ThinkPad T470, Serial PF-11M5T6, City Asset Number T0139 as surplus; and the Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to dispose of personal property; hereby amends the 2023 annual appropriation to the Fairhope Airport Authority to include a transfer of said personal property at fair market value; and transfers said personal property for fair market value to the Airport Authority and shows that the annual appropriation has been increased by the same amount. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4690-23 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has certain items of personal property which are no longer needed for public or municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, Section 11-43-56 of the Code of Alabama of 1975 authorizes the municipal governing body to dispos e of unneeded personal property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following personal property owned by the City of Fairhope, Alab ama, is not needed for public or municipal purposes, and hereby declared surplus: •Lenovo ThinkPad T470, Serial PF-l 1M5T6, City Asset Number T0139 9997 13 February 2023 SECTION 2. That the Governing body of the City of Fairhope hereby amends the 2023 annual appropriation to the Fairhope Airport Authority to include a transfer of said personal property at fair market value to the Airport Authority. SECTION 3. That Mayor Sherry Sullivan and City Treasurer Kim Creech are hereby authorized and directed to transfer said personal property for fair market value to the Airport Authority and show that the annual appropriation has been increased by the same amount. ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 Attest: City Clerk Councilmember Conyers introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution That the City Council authorizes and approves adding a temporary part-time overlap position of Station Control Tech/Digital Forensic (Pay Grade 9/HR) for current employee (Donald D.J. White) and allows him to work with and train the new Station Control Tech/Digital Forensic employee that will benefit the City as well as the new hire. The temporary overlap position will expire in six months after the date of City Council's approval with a cost for the additional temporary overlap position not-to-exceed $1,500.00. Seconded by Councilmember Martin, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council President asked for any further discussion. Councilmember Martin commented he hated to lose DJ. City Council reviewed an application for Liquor License by Jenna Laine Rachal, The Venue Fairhope LLC d/b/a The Venue Fairhope located at 105 South Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532. Councilmember Burrell moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Martin, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 9998 13 February 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4691-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA,That the City Council authorizes and approves adding a temporary part-time overlap position of Station Control Tech/Digital Forensic (Pay Grade 9/HR) for current employee (Donald D.J. White) and to allow him to work with and train the new Station Control Tech/Digital Forensic employee. This will be beneficial to the City as well as the new hire. The temporary overlap position will expire in six months after the date of City Council's approval. The cost for the additional temporary overlap position should not exceed $1,500.00. ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2023 ATTEST: Y·.d/4{,,L. �s,MMC City Clerk Councilmember Martin moved to grant the request of Thomas Hospital Foundation approval to serve beer on City property contingent on Bottles Up Bar Service getting One Time Event License from ABC and the City of Fairhope for the Thomas Hospital Foundation "Cornhole for a Cause Tournament" on March 25, 2023. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Shannon Preston, Executive Director, Infirmary Foundations was present on request. Council President Robinson thanked Ms. Preston. Council President Robinson opened Public Participation. There were no public participation. At the request of the City Attorney, Marcus E. McDowell, the City Council will rise from the meeting to go into Executive Session based on Alabama Code Section 36-25A-7(a)(3) and to discuss the purchase, sale, and acquisition of real property pursuant to Alabama Code Section 36-25A-7(a)(6). The approximate time to be in Executive Session is sixty ( 60) minutes. Councilmember Boone moved to go 9999 13 February 2023 into Executive Session. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Exited the dais at 7:27 p.m. Returned at 8:50 p.m. Councilmember Conyers moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 8:51 p.m.