HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-2022 City Council Work SessionST A TE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( ) ( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 12 December 2022. Present were Council President Jay Robinson , Councilmembers : Jack Burrell, Corey Martin, Jimmy Conyers (arrived at 4:47 p.m.), Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E . McDowell, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Councilmember Kevin Boone was absent. Council President Jay Robinson called the meeting to order at 4 :30 p.m. The following topics were discussed: • The first item on the agenda was the Fairhope Public Schools Commission update by Amy Foley. She told the City Council their goal for Fairhope Schools is to be ranked in the "Top 5." (See attached handout) Ms . Foley said the Fairhope Middle School is ranked number 6. Councilmember Bun-ell questioned whether the ACT figures were scores or percentages. Council President Robinson commented he was glad to see improvement. Councilmember Maitin explained why the Fairhope Public Schools Commission put this together for the presentation . Ms . Foley stated she tried to simplify the update for their presentation. Councilmember Bllffell said the goals have switched from the "Top 10 " to the "Top 5." • The Update on Water Line was next on the agenda. Caleb Leach and Mark Smith with Krebs addressed the City Council and presented a Power Point Presentation named "Water System Planning." (See attached Power Point Presentation) Councilmember Burrell questioned multiple wells on site and aquifers. Mr. Leach replied this will be the largest treatment plant for the City and has room for expansion. Councilmember Martin questioned how many models, when done , and what time. Mr. Leach replied there will be different demands and different models, i .e ., peak times during the summer. Councilmember Bllffell asked if water was tied to efficiencies not just growth . Councilmember Martin asked if we should look forward if we did not have enough water. Mr. Smith replied we should plan for the worse case scenario and budget for same . PF AS concerns were discussed along with EPA regulations . Council President Robinson briefly went through the Agenda Items and who would explain if needed. Monday, 12 December 2022 Page -2- • City Treasurer Kim Creech addressed the City Council and gave an update on interest for the Operating Account (2.65 %) and the Reserve Account (3 .25%). • Community Affairs Director Paige Crawford addressed the City Council and thanked them for the Christmas Luncheon. She mentioned the Mo vie in the Street will be "Grinch;" the movie in the stadium on Friday; and the Arts Alley Project update. • Human Resources Director Co1y Pierce addressed the City Council and gave an update on the Biometric Screening. • Electric Superintendent Conrad Havranek addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item No . 13 ; and answered any questions if needed. • Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council regarding Arts Alley Project; intersection at Gayfer Avenue and U .S. 98 ; TAP Grant for sidewalks . He explained Agenda Item No . 14 ; and said Agenda Item No. 15 is being pulled. Mr. Johnson answered an y questions if needed . • Gas Superintendent Jeremy Little addressed the City Council and announced that the Public Services Commission awarded the Fairhope Gas Department as the "Gas System of the Year" for all of the upgrades and work that has been done in the City . He explained Agenda Item No. 16 and the problems with getting the truck; and answered any questions if needed . Councilmember Burrell asked who we could file a complaint with regarding this issue. • Mayor Sherry Sullivan addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item No. 12 ; and answered any questions if needed . • City Attorney Marcus McDowell addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item No. 1 O; and answered any questions if needed . • Planning Director Hunter Simmons addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Items No . 5 through No . 7, and No . 9 ; and answered any questions if needed . Council President Robinson stated we will be taking a 10 minute recess ; and then start the City Council Meeting. There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:04 p.m . A. s,M City Clerk Fairhope and Newton Schools 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 Overall ACAP Proficiency Percentages 2020-2021 ELA 71% 2021-2022 ELA 75% 2020-2021 Math 52% 2021-2022 Math 59% 2020-2021 Science 50% 2021-2022 Science 62% ACAP Proficiency Percentages by Grade Level Elementary Baldwin Alabama 2021-2022 2nd ELA 74% 66% 49% 2021-2022 3rd ELA 77% 65% 47% 2021-2022 4th ELA 72% 64% 53% 2021-2022 5th ELA 73% 57% 47% 2021-2022 6th ELA 77% 60% 48% 2021-2022 2nd Math 63% 55% 45% 2021-2022 3rd Math 67% 46% 39% 2021-2022 4th Math 44% 41% 31% 2021-2022 5th Math 55% 37% 31% 2021-2022 6th Math 64% 40% 29% 2021-2022 4th Science 56% 53% 39% 2021-2022 6th Science 56% 38% 28% ACAP Percentages Students Reading Below Grade Level 2021-2022 2nd Reading 11% 2021-2022 3rd Reading 11% Total Students Served by a Reading Tutor 592 Total Students Served by a Math Tutor 321 Total Student Receiving Free/Reduced Lunches 30% Personnel Funded 22-23 Part-time Instructors 23 Paraprofessionals 5 Curriculum Coaches-Certified ex. STEAM, Math, Reading , Counselor 7 Additional Programs Funded for the Past 3 Years: Math Instructional Materials Reading Instructional Materials Behavior Instructional Materials Professional Development Technology Instructional Programs STEAM Instructional Materials Proficiency Percentages FMS is ra nked 6th in State FMS County Alabama 2020-21 7th ELA 72% 2021-2022 7th ELA 81% 55% 44% 2020-21 8th ELA 73% 2021-2022 8th ELA 81% 60% 54% 2020-21 7th Math 49% 2021-2022 7th Math 53% 29% 18% 2020-21 8th Math 58% 2021-2022 8th Math 63% 29% 19% 2020-21 8th Science 69% 2021-2022 8th Science 72% 53% 41% Additional Programs from funding: FMS is focused on black male students academic progress ACT Averages FHS 2021 English 19 .7 2022 English 19.9 2021 Math 19 .2 2022 Math 19.4 2021 Reading 20.1 2022 Reading 20 .3 2021 Science 19.8 2022 Science 20 .5 Composite 2021 19 .9 Composite 2022 20 .1 Additional Programs from funding: Agroscience Program Funded Eng i neering For STEM Social Worker (address i ng mental health issues) Supplemented ACT prep instruction with add itional unit In it ially funded crisis program Ranked 10th in stat County Alabama 17 .9 16 .3 18 16 .6 17 .9 16.9 18 .1 16.9 18.6 17 .5 18 .8 17 .7 18 .6 17 .5 18.8 17 .6 18.4 17 .2 18 .6 17 .3 Education training -work in conjunction with a preK classes on campus Piano Lab -partnership with FEEF Black box -upkeep and improvements Band -Aided with purchase of instruments Supported construction for the special needs play ground Implemented RTI 501 and testing coordinator position e AP Students with scores AP School Summary 2021 2022 Total AP Student 272 318 Number of exams 437 544 AP Students with Scores 3+ 180 219 Percentage of Total AP Students with 3+ 66 .18 68.87 KREBS L " ., I N L L .. I ~. 1~ ~ City of Fairhope Council Worl< Session Water System Planning December 12, 2022 Caleb Leach, P.E. and Mark Smith, P.E. Krebs Engineering, Inc. \,._ MONDAY. D,·c,·111h•·1 12. 2022 WATER SYSTEM PLANNING 'CITY OF FAIRHOPE I K REBS CNblN l(Q I NG OVERVIEW OF TODAY'S DISCUSSION o ABOUT KREBS ENGINEERING o OVERVIEW OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEM o UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS o WHY IS WATER SUPPLY PLANNING IMPORTANT? o TYPICAL WATER SUPPLY PLANNING PRACTICES o HYDRAULIC MODELING o HISTORICAL WATER DEMANDS o PROJECTED WATER DEMANDS o WHAT'S NEXT? -l.. WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / C IT Y OF FA IRHOPE 2 KREBS ENGINECR I NG About KREBS ENGINEERING o 96-Year-Old Alabama Engineering Firm; Founded in 1926 o Our Primary Focus is Water & Wastewater Engineering o Our Client Relationships Average Over 30Years in Length o I 00% Employee Owned OFFICE LOCATIONS o Birmingham, AL o Montgomery, AL o Newnan , GA WATER SYSTEM PLANN I NG / C I T Y OF FA I RHOPE 3 4, KREBS N r. N ff R frof -w- KREBS E N G I NEERI N G City of Fairhope Water System Map .. J "•f"'O'"''" f I : ~ .. : ~-.......... ··"' ,,,,. Legend Water Mains Diameter -2 -3 -• -6 8 -LO -12 -11 16 -1• 0 Decentralized System 0 IO Water Supply Wells Totaling a Raw Water Capacity of I I MGD 0 5 Treatment Facilities 0 Total Treatment Capacity - 8 .5 MGD o Approximately 85 % of Water Distribution Piping is 8-inch Diameter or Smaller WATE R SY STEM PLANNIN G / CI T Y OF FA I RH OPE 4 KREBS (NC:.:.IN LL R I NU NEW WELLN0.11 ---------------r- CITY OF FAIRHOPE WATER TREATMENT PLANT NO . 3 SITE PLAN EXISTI G WELLN0.3 LEGEND G EXISTING FACILITIES NEW FACILffiES o Bid Awarded to The Creel Company, Inc . o Contracts are Executed and worked began on 12/5/2022 o Total Contract Amount = $7,589,893 .00 o Ex.Treatment Capacity - 1,050 GPM or 1.5 MGD o Treatment Capacity at Project Completion - 2.500 GPM or 3.6 MGD o Estimated Completion Date -Prior to Summer 2024 o Total Future Bu il dout Capacity-6 MGD WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE s .... 1 - KREBS E: h N U ,.. --w- KREBS EN G IN EE R I NG ..... City of Fair h ope Water System Ma p I < . ~ M.,gnoltf • . SPlff'\9 .. "''1"• 'I' ~ i -: , : ,r" .... ,-,.i1111 r . Legend Water Mains Diameter -2 -3 -4 -6 8 -10 -12 -11 16 -2• 24-lnch Water Transmission Main 0 Bid Awarded to Hemphill Construction Company, Inc. 0 Contracts are Pend ing Execution 0 Contract Amount = $6,4 52,960 .00 0 Estimated Completion Data -Prior to Summer 2024 12-lnch Water Transmission Main 0 Project is in Design 0 Estimated Project Cost -$900,000 WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CIT Y OF FA IRHO PE 6 K REBS ENGINLCQ I NG WHY IS WATER SUPPLY PLANNING IMPORTANT? o Ensures that Fairhope has the Water Supply it Needs o Enables the City to Identify and Prioritize Water Supply Improvements o Enables the City to Budget for Water Supply Improvements o Improves Water System Reliability and Redundancy o Required for Funding and ADEM Approval I I I I I I I I WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE 7 s~=~~~=-~~=-~~~-===-=---~~::..:__- ~~~.- ~~~ o Review Historical Population & Water Usage Data _.,._...,.....-:-..,.'.J o Evaluate Water Demand Growth & Population Growth o Identify Areas of Future Development o Develop a Water Conservation Plan and Monitor Water Loss o Develop a Hydraulic Model o Identify Water System Improvements Needed for Different Planning Horizons o Short-Term (0 - 5 Years) o Intermediate-Term (5 -I0Years) Long-Term (Minimum 20 Years -Some States Require 50 Years) o Develop a Water Supply Master Plan Report to Summarize the Findings KREBS WAT ER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE 8 CNGINL[Q I NG ,,,,,,._,.~ o Evaluate the City's Ability to Provide Fire Flow :-~~ o Evaluate the Ability to Provide Adequate Water Pressure Troubleshoot Low-Pressure Complaints o Perform Water Quality Analysis Evaluate Impacts from Pending and Proposed Developments, and Growth Identify Improvements Needed for Developments/Growth [~--.-J o Evaluate Future Wells and Other Sources of Supply o Useful Tool when Sizing and Locating Pipelines and Storage Tanks KREBS WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE 9 ENGI Nt:.[Q I NG j l KREBS E NGIN EE R I NG 0 oox Cree Trt 'h .. EXAMPLE OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT ,... I L.... Re: Cleft Fanns Development Hydraulic Analysis Contract No. 17012 Dear Jason: As requested , Krebs has completed the analysis of the potenti al Impacts on the water d istribution system from the Cleft Fanns development. It is our understanding that the development Will generally be located north of Highway 72 between Wall Triana Highway and Balch Road . Furthermore, It will consist of 350,000 sq-ft of commercial space, 1,150 dense residential dwellings. and 100 residential estate sized lots. Krebs reviewed these dewlopment usages and detennlned that an approximate 700 gpm total demand would account for both domesti c and irrigation for the complete build out of the development. The demand assumptions were based on industry standards. The flows were split 54 percent domestic and 46 percent irrigation. Th is is based on historical meter data provided by Madison Utilities. The following summarizes the Improvements/operational changes required to serve this new development. 1. It is recommended the new development connect to the existing 12--lnch water main along Highway 72 In two locations to loop the feed . 2. PRV-9 (fer northern PRV on Hughes A:lad) Is required to be put into service with an approximately pressure setting or 100 psi . 3. The Pump House Booster Pump Station would be required to pump approximately 800 gpm during a peal< f101N event and be available for use when the Keene Water Treatment Plant is not in service. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve Madison Utilities in th is matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely yours , :~ebs22t~L Caleb L. Leach Sr. Project Engineer WATER SY STEM PLANNING / CIT Y OF FA I RHOPE 10 EXAMPLES OF IDENTIFYING ISSUES WITHIN DI_STRIBUTlON SYSTEM : r, j f • ., lJo . .., : llf UH~altl KREBS ENGINEERING WATER SYSTEM PLANNING/ CITY OF FAIRHOPE I II 0 C) :E 0 z ct :E ""' 0 a: 1/J !;i ~ KREBS E N GINEER I NG HISTOR ICAL WATER DEMANDS -FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 EXIS'TI NG RAW WA TE R CAP ACITY· 1l MGO 10.0 9.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXISTING TREATM E _ CAPACITY · 8 .5 MGO ____________ _ 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3 .0 2.0 1 .0 0.0 2014 VERAGE GR OWTH l'EP. VE.AR p.l'PROX . 5%A 2016 --AYg.. Oily Demand --?tat: Oiy Demand - -· Ex. Ttea:tment capicity 20 18 YEAR 2020 AVERAG E PEAKING FACTOR: 1.6 Ex. wellCap•city --Lineuf.A \I, Di~ Dem.ind) --Wnnr(Puk.O.yD2mi.nd) 2022 WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE 12 0 C, 25.0 20.0 :E 15.0 0 z ~ :E w 0 a: ~ 10.0 I KREBS ENGINEERING 5.0 0.0 2014 2016 2018 PROJECTED WATER DEMANDS -FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 2020 2022 --Pe.ilk D1y Demand 2024 2026 2028 YEAR 2030 2032 2034 2!l Growth --39' GrOWI --59' Growth --Expon . (Puk D•y Oem•nd l 2036 2038 2040 2042 WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CIT Y OF FAIRHOPE 13 0 ~ cS z <( !? 0 g; ~ KREBS E N GINE E R I N G 2.5.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 .0 2014 2.016 2018 SHORT-TERM PLANN ING-FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA Water Demand Range Based o n 3 -5%Growth in 2028 = 11.5 -12.5 MGD l C 4 Tll[A • r N CAl'Atm' wm t PRO ! CTSCUR: t: I LY ur O[R CONSTRUC IO N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C RflDJJ~C~l M CIIT£AJ!IIQT'r • _5 MGO _____ --__ 2020 2.az.2 202A 2026 2023 YEAR 21BO 2032 2034 2036 20:38 2040 2042 --"9 D,rDllrn.and --•EM .Trutme Otpaaty n6.Glo 1h --ft GrowLh --S"ufl)wth --10Jlt.-uun~LO'f1.aol WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE 14 0 C) 25.0 20.0 ~ 15.0 0 z ct: :E w 0 a: w ~ 10.0 :: KREBS E N GINE E R I NG 5.0 0.0 2014 INTERMEDIATE-TERM PLANNING -FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 2016 2018 2020 2022 --~•k Diy 01m1nd - -a fJL rHtnwnt capacity' 2024 2026 ----- 2028 YEAR Water Dema d Range Based o -5% Growth in 2033 = 13.0 -16.0 MGD ------2024 TREATM ENT CAPACITY WITH PROJE CTSCU RRE ITTtY UN DER CO NSTRUCTIO CU RREN EA ENT CAPACITY. 8 .5 MGD 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 zt.Growth --39E.Growth --S9'Growrh --2024TrN1:mentC1pac· --t,pan . (Put ~y Demind) WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE IS WHAT'S NEXT? Identify Short-Term Improvements Need in Next 5 Years o Develop Additional Well at WTP No. I o Develop Additional Well atWTP No. 3 o Create a Hydraulic Model o Use Model to Identify Required Piping Improvements o Investigate Deeper Aquifer at Well No. 4 (PFAS Concerns) Identify Improvements Needed in Next 5-10 Years o Perform a Water Supply Study to Identify and Prioritize Water System Improvements Projects o Summarize in a Water Supply Master Plan Report o Develop a Rate Study to Ensure Sufficient Funding WATER SYSTEM PLANNING / CITY OF FAIRHOPE 16 QUESTIONS? KREBS MONDAY . DECEMBER 12 . 2022 WATER SYSTEM PLANNING CITY OF FAIRHOPE 17 l •~ ~ I t~ L L -, •, _.