HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-12-2022 City Council Work SessionSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN ) ( ) ( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 12 September 2022 . Present were Council President Jimmy Conyers , Councilmembers: Jack Burrell, Corey Martin, Jay Robinson, and Kevin Boone, Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and Assistant City Clerk Jenny Opal Wilson. City Clerk Lisa Hanks was absent. Council President Jimmy Conyers called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. The following topics were discussed : • The first item on the agenda was the Development and Planning Update. Hunter Simmons gave presentation as attached to minutes. Council President Conyers requested a copy of presentation for Mayor and Council. Council President Conyers thanked Hunter Simmons for his work on presentation. • The next item on the agenda was the Discussion of Water and Waste Water Rates . Mayor Sullivan discussed the review of water rates and charges for irrigation rates with setting a threshold 7 ,000 gallons. Water rates are low compared to other municipalities , county and other water providers. We are putting item forward tonight for your input. Water/Wastewater Superintendent Jason Langley discussed the biggest impact on water system right now is irrigation. We are currently averaging six (6) million a day. We can produce almost nine (9) million in certain areas of the system . Rock Creek is our largest customer and largest area to irrigate. Upgrades are required on system. City Treasurer Kim Creech discussed a flat Wastewater Sewer Rate of $70.00 for any household that does not have City of Fairhope water service . Montrose customers are provided Wastewater Service by the City of Fairhope. Councilmember Burrell inquired if this is the only rate change. Mayor Sulliv an commented in addition if you use of 7 ,000 gallons a $1.00 increase per 1,000 gallon. Councilmember Martin inquired whether outside consultant is reviewing rates . Kim Creech commented were utilizing the past study from 2018 with escalation of rate increases by tier. Mayor Sullivan recommended a study every 3 to 5 years . Councilmember Martin discussed Grey Water. Mayor Sullivan encouraged citizens to conserve. • The next item on the agenda was the Discussion of Master Equipment Lease/Purchase. City Treasurer Kim Creech discussed Item #18 the issuance of Master Equipment Lease/Purchase award to United Bank at an interest rate of 1.79% fixed interest rate as a bank qualified tax-exempt rate with a 3-year Monday, 12 September 2022 Page -2- term. Kim clarified this is not a lease, our equipment with financing, with United Bank as lienholder. There is no penalty to pay off loan early . Resolution authorizes execution of any and all documents by Council President, Mayor, City Clerk, and Treasurer necessary to authorize and effect the issuance and closing of Master Equipment Lease/Purchase. Bond Counsel to prepare all closing documents. United Bank will pay closing costs up to $6 ,500.00. Council President Conyers commented great rate and thanked Kim Creech . • Councilmember Martin met with Public School Commission. Three-mil tax increase going well for schools. Creating Metrix on utilization of funding. Specialty teachers are being added. Council President Conyers inquired on what is remaining on the agreement for Kl Center. City Treasurer Kim Creech commented two more payments. • Councilmember Boone commented the Personnel Board would meet on Thursday , September 15 , 2022 at 7:00 a.m . in the Mayor's Conference Room. • Council President Council thanked Council for update. • Council President Conyers briefly went through the Agenda Items and who would explain if needed. • Special Projects and Grants Manager Jessica Walker discussed Item No. 12 and answered questions. She discussed submission of HMGP Grant to AEMA requesting grant funds to construct a First-Responder Safe Room . Jessica will further discuss additional grant opportunities and projects at upcoming Work Session. • Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council and explained items below and answered questions. • Items No. 14 -Southern Earth Sciences, Inc. to perform Asbestos Inventory and Abatement Plan at the K-1 Center. ■ Item No. 15 -Thompson Engineering, Inc will partner with Watershed , LLC for Professional Landscape Architectural Services for (GOMESA Grant No. G-CFNP21CF) Grant Funded Capital Improvement Project in the Triangle Property. • Item No. 16 -Thompson Engineering , Inc. will partner with Watershed , LLC for Professional Services on Triangle Park Capital Improvement Project (GOMESA Grant No. G-CFNP21CF) for Public Engagement and Master Planning Services on contract. • Item No . 17 -MW Rogers Construction Co., LLC, Change Order No . 1 for Pecan Building Phase 2 West Wing Office Remodel. Monday, 12 September 2022 Page -3- • Item No. 19 -Roof Doctors of Alabama, Inc. for Fairhope Recreation Center and Municipal Pool Complex Roof, Trim and Soffit Repair. • Item No. 20 -BCM Morring Company, Inc. for New Ballpark Bathrooms at Founders & Volanta Parks. • Item No.23 -Artcraft Awning Company for new awning at the Pecan Street Building. • Item No .25 -KDF Enterprises , LLC responsive bidder for Disaster Related Emergency Tree Services. Richard announced ALDOT is accepting A TRIP II applications for Rebuild Alabama. Mayor Sullivan and I are in agreeance to pursue intersection of Volanta and US 98 application at next month's meeting. Applications are due November 2022 . Council President Conyers briefly went through the Agenda Items and who would explain if needed. • Building Official Erik Cortinas to discuss final adoption of Item No. 5 an Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1754 Known as the Right of Way Construction and Administration Ordinance, Section 10: Schedule of Fees - Rights of Way and Excavation Permit Fees and final adoption of Item No. 6 an Ordinance to authorize and grant Mediacom Southeast LLC the Rights-of- Way of the City of Fairhope , Alabama to provide cable services to citizens of the City under the terms of a Cable Television System Franchise Agreement. • Mayor Sherry Sullivan to discuss Item No. 7 deed restrictions to the "Triangle Property". • City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell to discuss Item No. 8 pending real property dispute with Penelope Johnson. • Mayor Sherry Sullivan to discuss Item No. 9 Reciprocal Agreement between Baldwin County Alabama, Baldwin County Revenue Commissioner's Office and City of Fairhope for exchanging information relating to the Building Permit Information and related documents. • Mayor Sherry Sullivan to discuss Item No. 10 Indemnity Agreement between Oak Hollow Farm, Inc . and the City of Fairhope for the City 's Christmas Event for employees at the "Barn" on December 9 , 2022. • Mayor Sherry Sullivan to discuss Item No. 11 amending Rules and Regulations for "Fairhope Docks" for paragraphs 21 , 30, 32 and 33 . Monday, 12 September 2022 Page -4- • Regulatory Compliance Manager Wes Boyett discussed Item No. 13 Magnolia River as selected Consultant for Natural Gas Engineering Consulting Services on Leak Prone Piping Project. We will use Engineering on project to apply for federal grant money with no match at 100%. Wes gave update that the Gas Department is 100% complete on Church Street. • Chief Stephanie Hollinghead discussed Item No. 21 the purchase of one (1) 2022 Ford Explorer with XLT Package or equivalent for the Police Department. Chief explained this is a replacement vehicle from vehicle in accident. Insurance proceeds applied toward purchase. • Ben Patterson discussed Item No. 22 procurement of one (1) 300 kV A 3 Phase Pad Mount Transformer from Maddox for the New Obstetrics Building . Customer has reimbursed cost. Lead time is ten (10) to twelve (12) weeks . There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting was duly adjourned at 5:55 p.m. esident "A.anks;c City Clerk Planning Departn1ent Developtnent Update 2 2 I Development Inventory ~-~~---~ ------- Inventory of development that has been approved since 2006. • Status changing daily • What is approved? Vs. What is built? • We will be reviewing pre-2006 as time allows. Development Inventory a..a.,..~•= -""--=---~----~ - Development Inventory Categories ._ ___ i Singe-Fa I ·1y, Low Density ____ Sing e -Fam"ly, Medium Densi y .____,, Singe-Fa "ly, High Density ~~I Mui ·-Fam·1v ~-___, RV/Mob"le Ho e .____.l Lodging Comm·erc·a Development Inventory :&...!_..._,_,~--- Single-Family, L Dens·t .::..~-----· . .. ,.,._ ~ ·1 .. .. ' I • .. r ... , -II • r r.·,ii• -- - Development Inventory --. --- I 1,088 Homes Approved *Since 2006 350 300 250 200 150 100 so 0 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Low Density Residential -By Year -Approved -Built Low Density Residential -Yr t o Yr Cumulative Cumulative Approved -cumulative Built . Single-Family, ~ :',p,.,-;;i•~~--;;i~:.±L!..t,,.L • .l.:..: -'"" ....__\_ '--..<.. ..,_._,.~_ -2 _ Inside City Outside Built ■ Approved, Not Occupied Development Inventory ~~ &..:~ -........ .,. __ ........... --~---• ::. ~ingle-Family, Med· m Dens·t __;;//W,,/_·-~'.:....._..__.,.z.-_ -- ' I r Development Inventory 1,438 Homes Approved *Since 2006 300 250 200 150 100 so 0 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Medium Density Residential By Yea r -Approved -Built Medium Density Resident ial -Yr to Yr Cumulative ~ b ~ 0 0 0 N N N Cumulative Approved -cu m ulative Bui lt '. ~.~, - L~ingle-Family, ~r~~-~ok.t§.l:'.i_., ... ~i.-o-~~. __ .._ __ --••' __ _ Inside City Outside Built ■ Approved, Not Occupied Development Inventory a!''----'---'>-..c.l:I..""---- Single-Family, H. h Dens·t ~~ ~ __ ,._. :.1:.~ ...... -~ -~ --- I r .,.. 1 Development Inventory 1,602 Homes Approved *Since 2006 450 400 350 300 250 200 15 0 100 so 0 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 \0 0 0 N High Density Res idential -By Year -Approved -Built High Density Residential -Yr to Yr Cumulative ,-.. CX) a, 0 rl N N') <t "' \0 ,-.. CX) a, 0 rl N 0 0 0 ... .... ... .... rl .... .... .... rl .... N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Cumulative Approved -cumulative Built . Single-Family, H" h Dens·t ~ .... ~ ... Jft~» .. ._~ •• !__ioo.l...lo ..... .J..-•:......~"'--' .. -~ ..._ ""'-..,__ -' Inside City ■ Outside Built ■ Approved, Not Occupied Development Inventory ~ N..:... -~ u_ ......... --~ ---- . Multi-Family -·~ _,._, ---· - I - t ' \ Development Inventory -............ __ ...... ____ -- 1,899 Units Approved *Since 2006 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Multi-Family -By Year 20062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022 00 a a N --Approved --Built Multi-F amily -Yr to Yr Cumulative "' a a N a ... a N ... ... a N N ... a N "' ... a N st ... a N "' ... a N "' ... a N .... ... a N 00 ... 2 Cumulative Approved -cumulative Built "' ... a N a N a N ... N a N N N a N Multi-Family ~~-'-'---~~:P ~":._ " ... _..,~ • Inside City Outside Built ■ Approved, Not Occupied Development Inventory ~.,_. __, __ ,_~"-""'-'~ ----- . Residential Trend ~ .... 111..-h--~•-CWL:'--_J ' 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Residential Trend (Approve) 20062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022 -Low Density Res. -Med Density Res . High Density Res . -Multifamily Development Inventory -~~--- 26% • Low Density Res . • Med Density Res . High Density Res. ■ Multi -Family :-·Residential Trend ~~-...i \ti~ <Ji!c.~~-~~ ... 1 , _ -~ ......... ~-~· ~-__ __ __ LL _ • _ • Single-Family Residential • Multi-Family ■ Single Family Residential ■ Multi-Family Single Family Residential ■ Multi-Family Historical Pattern Recent Pattern (Since 2006) 2021 Development Inventory ' --... = ................... "' ....... L • · Current Land Use ~~-~ .,_ .,_ --_... ' Development Inventory -"'• ~-~·-·-~ - ■ Agriculture Civic Commercial, Office C-0mmercial, Retail D Greenspace 0 Industrial D Institutional □Medical □Mixed Use 0 Not Cf115sified □Other □Parking Recreation Residential, Multi-Family Residential , Single-Family Undeveloped Unused ■Utility Th e Comprehensive Plan team mapped the current land use within the Corporate Lim its. Current Land Use ..IF-~~ ..... ----~,. ~ --~ ...... -~ ~ Land Use Residential, Single-Family Residential, Multi-Family Commercial, Retail Commercial, Office Mixed Use Medical Civic Institutional Industrial Recreation Greenspace Parking Agriculture Unused Undeveloped Utility Other Development Inventory L...:t-._.., ~ Acreage 4,042 109 178 136 13 47 74 101 34 38 321 52 14 125 1,484 51 2,882 Current Land Use • Residential , Single-Family • Re sidential, Multi-Family Commercial, Retail • Commer cial , Office Civic • Recreation Agriculture ■ Utility ■ Mixed Use Institutional ■ Greenspace Unused ■ Other ■ Medical Industri al • Parking Undevelope d ~ ·Projections .,.._..:__ --4,~J.:.w'!p=-" ~--..!._ -- Persons Per Household A multiplier of 2.60 was used for this study, which is derived from the U.S. Census. More information can be found at the following link: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/note/US/HSD410220 Proj ec t s approved through Planning Department applications account for an estimate total population growth of 15,595 since 2006. Occupied households account for an estimated 6,243 residents. Approved, but not yet built/complete, projects account for an estimated additional 9,352 residents. Development Inventory ~,._,__ _____ _._ __ .... ~ . .-....... __ ----~ :.-Commercial ~ ~.<..CY-~ .... _,_ - ►1on"Yu" 1 an~, •• ' . .. ~ I Development Inventory -................... '---'--' Commercial Projects are more diverse and, thus, more difficult to monitor. Some approvals consists of vacant lots with no short-term plans. Others create units within mixed-use developments. The map on the left illustrates approved projects that had a commercial component (in red) juxtaposed with the currently approved nodes of the comprehensive plan. Explicitly, this reflects 1.25 million s.f. of commercial approved . Approximately 740,000 s.f. is occupied. Undeveloped acreage is not included. Uses are not reviewed outside the Fairhope's corporate limits, so lots created in those areas may/may not become commercial. Much of the Fairhope's Planning Jurisdiction is now zoned by Baldwin County, which will have some restrictions on use. .. RV /Mobile Homes t~ .•. ,_ ~ -, • i::'t lrr: r.. ~J" Development Inventory -•k ........... • 15 RV/Mobile Home 'Lots' were also created. ~ Lodging -~& ~H ----L -----~• Pomt Oear Development Inventory _......_~-~-- F'lll th • I Only 26 Lodging Units were created, but we are rece1v1ng more interest and foresee this number will grow exponentially. What is NOT Included in this Study J_~_.e....-2"'"'~=----_...._......... --- Projects that were not reviewed by either City Council/Planning Commission. Some examples include: • Single-Tenant/Owner Commercial 8 ALDI ,. University of South Alabama Surgery Center/Campus Gas Station/Convenience Store (Wawa) Storage Units Exempt Project, such as school expansions. • Renovations Additional bedrooms added • Additional commercial s.f. Development Inventory ----""'--~~-------~~ . I What is NOT Included in this Study ~~,l-l!I" ~ ~ -H~ L..,_--~--' Additional acreage added to the TR District. Homes built on vacant lots created prior to 2006. "Family Subdivisions" exempt from Baldwin County Subdivision Regulations. Other projects that are 'straight to permit'. Development Inventory ~---~~----- What is NOT Included in this Study ~.:--_.__...,:,._ -· .,_ ...... ~ -~ . • Subdivisions approved by Baldwin County Planning Commission. iiiiii'i-~--·-iiiiinr ..... r.r •· ·~-----· • llf!!l!IM.'P.ll&. __ .... __ ------·------·---.. aar-ur~ ..... ---. ""-___ ,. _____ _ -~-..,,,.-·!!lfa---- !'a,';. 1-----.:!!ffi~L.::::::==;===r~~-;!:::=.~~~~~~~·=-~=.l.:.r- KtCUl'lt:tMUSHUil? Development Inventory ----~ ---------e I -~ What is NOT Included in this Study -4_,_,_,... ___ --__ ._, -------- --- • Newly zoned property in Baldwin County Planning Districts. Examples: New Commerc ial Zon in g Development Inventory ~~---' ~ ·- High density Residential (Up to 15 Units/ Acre) High density Residential (Up to 15 Units/Acre) I -_ Communications _,ol:;.__..__: _, -·--. City of Fa i rhope Approved Fiber Installati o n All Approwd Aber lnstallaUon faitM1)e «Anlral 8usin•11 Dbtrk:t CltyUmtu D Development Inventory ~ ---- ~100 miles of new fiber/communication lines have been approved through Planning Commission reviews. This does not include linear fee t included within new subdivisions . City implemented a Moratorium for new, in general, large subdivision cases outside Corporate Limits, but within the Planning Jurisdiction. The moratorium did not include building permits or projects inside city limits. Development Update ..... u .er .... --~-- ~ What have we done? ~..le-.,. ~--- • Large projects must meet with utilities prior to applying with the Planning Department. • Implemented Citizenserve software for Planning Department. Applications will be received for planning by end of year. Greatly aided the planning/building review process . Developed new application and in-take process . Roll-out will be by end of the year. e Scanning all historical planning files. Completion expected in FY2023 . • Continued work/meetings on the new Comprehensive Plan. • Right-of-way Ordinance updated (Building Department and Public Works). • Planning Department is fully staffed. • Mapping all sidewalks/bike paths. Application is created. Bike/ped committee completing. • Continued conversations/resolutions regarding impacts of 5B107. Comparative analysis of planning related fees. Proposed updated fee schedule expected by end of year. • Continued renovations to new Planning Department offices. Development Update -- Amendment Timeline Aug ust • Staff and Wo rk group Dis cus sion s • Presentation to City Council regarding approved developments • • Sep t ember • Agenda Item for Discussion • Feedback from Architects, Engineers, and Developers Development Update October • Agenda item for adoption of subdivision amendments • Agenda item for recommendations to Zoning Ordinance. • November • Revisions to Proposed Subdivision Regulations (If needed) • Counci l Wo rk Session -Zoning Code Amendments December • Zoning Amendments for Counci l Adoption 2023 • Adopt Revised Comprehensive Plan • Revise Ordinances to meet goals of Comp Plan Amendment Priorities Comprehensive Plan/Long-term goals Development Update • Higher Sense of Urgency • Timeline Before End of Year • Long-range Goals • Comp plan team is assisting New Zoning Districts • Recreation (Passive) • Recreation (Active) • Conservation District Mixed-Use • Mixed-use requirements need to be consistent within the Ordinance as a whole. • Commercial Component is important. Short- term rentals count? Short-term Rentals • Clarify Intents. • May need to amend other regulations/procedures. Discussionltems -Upcoming Amendments .... --. - Other Amendments • Clarification on triggers for Site Plan Review • Building height clarification • Max lot coverage for impervious surface • R-6 vs . Cottages • Accessory structure vs. building vs. dwelling. • Pools • Covered walkways • Parking requirements in CBD for office space . • Stand-alone ordinances . Red Soil and Clay, Erosion Sediment Control, etc. into Subdivision Regulations. Subdivision Regulation Amendments , . . Proposed new exemptions: • "Utility Lots" or Public Infrastructure Lots • Conservation Lots • MOP Closeout Procedures • Technically, not an exemption, but an administrative closeout procedure since MOP's do not require plats. Fire Protection: • Volunteer Fire Departments are caught unaware. • Require developers to alert local fire departments when performing fire flow test. Discussionltems -Upcoming Amendments Stormwater: • Solutions for sites with existing problems. • A different set of design criteria when moving runoff from one drainage shed to another. • Mass balance equation creates winners and losers. • Clarification on analysis. • 10% rule is vague . • Volume? Subdivision Regulation Amendments Environmental: • Review existing buffer requirements • Compare with surrounding agencies • What can be done within a buffer • Greenways • Mitigation/Restoration requirements. Greenspace: • Clarify what can/cannot be counted for greenspace? • If ponds are inaccessible, but wet, should they be counted? • Landscape/Plants required? Discussionltems -Upcoming Amendments ~ •-K~ -- Lots/Plats: • Standard Plat Comments (Appendix Item) • Common area lots: Remnant vs . Lot Count Subdivision Regulation Amendments Roads/Traffic: • Is there a standard for growth rates that better reflect actual trends? • Review desired intersections for study at pre-application meeting. • Create a local road classification map/designation . • Many subdivisions should utilize a hierarchal road network . • Installation/maintenance of city roads, both during and after construction. • Clarify typical street sections and resolve with ROW ordinance . • Parking requirements • 'Failing': C or D? Discussionltems -Upcoming Amendments ' ' : -~~ Procedures ~ ' . _ _;;,~:J,},,_:",.1~.r ... ____ .,._,J!_~;, -•~-5~~-_ ·~"? u •• '-.l-"--_ -~ --, , _ -· New Zoning Districts (County) • Procedures for review. What happens after July 2023? • Waivers supported if new zoning allows? Multiple Occupancy Project • Road Standards. Drive vs. "Private Streets" • Lodging • Location • Clarify final review procedures. What are closeout procedures? • What triggers an MOP? Clarifications when an existing project exceeds 3 units? • Do we need MOP subtypes? Discussionltems -Upcoming Amendments -~---~---~ ~ Variances vs. Special Exception • Revise applications for clarifications. Final Plats and Bond Closeouts • Do we need to revise current regulations or more stringently enforce existing? • Clarify our expectation regarding punch lists . Engineer /Developers responsi bi I ity. • Benchmark inspections? Agenda • Application ln-take/Pre-app requirement . • Formal agenda clarifications . ~--::_~::-..__, .. ~ ......... ti-• --• -- Right-of-Way Ordinance • First phase approved by City Council • Review of other sections will consider more specific items and how they correlate to subdivisions . Fee Schedule • The Planning Department fee schedule has not been updated since 2005. • True advertising costs need to be accommodated for in revisions. Other Discussionltems -Upcoming Amendments ~ . ._.__..., -- Utility "DRC" Review • This is a working title, but our utilities are working toward a monthly meeting to review upcoming projects . • Utility availability letters will generate from these meetings, so Subdivision Regulations will need to refer to this requirement. Remove Conflicts • Planning regulations do not need to conflict with other regulations, such as Tree Ordinance, Wetlands Ordinance, etc. ·. Other ,. ~-,, "··~----· . . . - Inventory of Approved Cases • What has been built and what is coming? Bike/Ped • Map all existing sidewalks • Prioritize "filling the gaps" • 'In lieu of fees' where sidewalks are not practical. • Bike route masterplan. lJiscussionltems -Upcoming Amendments Citizen serve • Should be 'going live' with new software before the end of the year. Sign Ordinance • Sign Ordinance needs an overhaul • Sign should scale with buildings, but have overall max s.f.