HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-2011 Special MeetingPublic Meeting Notice
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.
Place: Council Chambers
161 North Section Street
Subject: Special City Council Meeting -
• Executive Session to receive report of Mr. Lozenzo
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Notice 1s llercby ~•ven of a special 1111;:eiing of tht: City Council of the City
of rairhopc, Alalx1ma . 10 bt: held al tht: FairhuP<-" Municipal Complex on
Wednesda y. Ck1obc r 19. '.!01 1. a1 I :OU p .111 .. for the purpusc 10 :
I . Rcc.:iw 1h,: Repun of Mr. Lore11w Howard regarding rhe Po lice
Dep.111111..:111 .
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Lonnie Mi.xon. Coundt~~nt
The undersigned membe rs of 1he City Council of the City of Fairhope ,
Alabama , do hereby acknuwledge service of' the Noti ce and Call of Special
Meet in1:; hcrc111about set fonh and do hereby co nsi.:111 to the holdmg of such
meet in g as srn.:h time Ill .',u ch place fo r the puq)lJsc set forth therein .
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Atte st :
City Clerk
19 October 2011
The City Council , City of Fairhope , met in Special Session at
1 :00 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532 , on
Wednesday, October 19, 2011.
Present were Council President Lonnie L. Mixon , Councilmembers: Debbie
W. Quinn , Daniel Stankoski, Michael A. Ford, and Rick Kingrea, City Attorney
Marion E. Wynne , and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks . Mayor Timothy M . Kant was
There being a quorum present, Council President Mixon called the meeting to
order and explained the reason for the special meeting. Council President Mixon
thanked Lorenzo Howard for his time and expertise for conducting an assessment of
the recent complaints, allegations, counter allegations, and potential dangerous
situations that were recently made to the Mayor by police department personnel.
Council President Mixon read the following s tatement which was given by City
Attorney Wynne:
The Council can have an executive session to discuss the "general
reputation and character, physical condition, professional competence,
or mental health of individuals, or to discuss the job performance of
certain public employees ." However, discussion of the job
performance of certain public officials may not be discussed in
executive session if the person is an elected or appointed public
official; or a public employee who is one of the classifications of
public employees required to file a statement of economic interest with
the Alabama Ethics Commission pursuant to Section 35-25 -14. The
Police Chief is one of the public employees who must file such
statement under 36-25-14 . So, if the job perfonnance of the Chief is
going to be discussed, this cannot be done in executive session. But, if
general reputation , character, physical condition, professional
competence or mental health is going to be discussed, this can be
discussed in executive session .
At the request of the City Attorney, Marion E . Wynne, the City Council will
rise from the meeting to go into Executive Session based on Section 36-25A-7(a)( 1)
to discuss the general reputation and character, physical condition , professional
competence, or mental health of individuals, or, subject to the limitations set out
herein, to discuss the job performance of certain public employees .
19 October 2011
The approximate time to be in Executive Session is 30 minutes. Councilmember
Kingrea moved to go into Executive Session . Seconded by Councilmember Ford,
motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Exited the dais at I :04 p .m. Returned at I : 17 p .m .
Council President Mixon announced that the entire presentation by Lorenzo Howard
would be made in the open.
Mr. Howard stated that be was asked to look into a situation where allegations
were made of intimidation and harassment on members of the Police Department
against the Police Chief. Some of the investigation comments from the police
officers and others were the general feeling that nothing would happen or that this
investigation was being done to make ure it was noted that something was being
done . He said it was enjoyable to listen to the honesty and straight forwardness of the
police officers .
The format of the questions used in the investigation was the following:
I) Background of Officers
2) Name of Supervisor
3) Issues with harassment and/or intimidation
4) Communications
5) Additional Comments
There were perceptions of an empire building around here and not having a say so .
The Council and Mayor were too busy fighting amongst themselves to deal with the
situation .
The findings of the investigation are the following :
I) Perceived pattern of confrontational management style
2) Did not fit Fairhope
3) Perceived to be talking down to employees
4) Comment -''My way or the Highway"
5) Crisis Management -get things done
6) Comments -bluntly trying to get away from Chief and Department
7) Positive things -Intelligent and gets a lot of things done
8) Statement -"I'm going to cut your head off'
19 October 2011
Mr. Howard commented that the Chief said the statement "going to cut your head
off' was a generic way of talking about things . Mr. Howard told the Chief that his
interview with the media was inappropriate. In this interview, the Chief said people
would be dealt with , Lorenzo Howard would exonerate him , and nothing would be
dealt with .
Forty percent thought there was a hostile environment. Mr. Howard stated that the
Chief said standards are set and employees are evaluated based on the standards . Mr.
Howard also stated there is a Performance Evaluation System used in Fairhope; but
the Police Department has a separate one . Mr. Howard commented this is the source
of a lot of issues and has been discussed with the Chief. He said the Chief put a lot of
time in the system , but the systems need to be merged. An evaluation system
contains generic job factors , job details , stress management, etc.
Mr. Howard said the job fit has been Miami vers us Fairhope. The Police Chief scale
is a different environment. The job needs to fit the environment. This is large city
versus small city . Several commented this is not Miami, Florida.
He went on to say he found three groups in the Police Department:
1) Pro Chief -20 percent
2) Middle of the Road -60 percent (These employees expressed they wanted
to do their job and get th is over with )
3) Anti Chief -20 percent
Mr. Howard said the City Council needs to determine whether or not training and
development for the Chief would turn this around; and help with interpersonal skills.
Would the Chief commit to try and make the change? The Chief is a very well
trained professional with multiple degrees mainly in Psychology. If training will not
help , a decision would need to be made. The Council needs to determine whether
personality fits where it won 't work .
Council President Mixon asked about the main concern of the danger of someone
getting hurt. Mr. Howard replied the comment was made on a whim, if made at all.
Councilmember Stankoski said statements were made regarding non-fit; is this
intimidation factor or personality clash. Mr. Howard replied there were feelings of
intimidation by officers and staff. However, the Chief did not see it that way. Mr.
Howard stated he too had same problem when he first met the Chief. Councilmember
Quinn asked ; will training help or is it mind set and won't change . Mr. Howard
replied the City Council has to make that determination .
19 October 2011
Mr. Howard was thanked again by Council President Mixon and Councilmembers for
his hard work with this investigation .
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting
was duly adjourned at I :50 p.m .
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City Clerk