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08-01-2011 Work Session Minutes
Committee: Date & Time: Place: Subject: Public Meeting Notice City Council and Mayor Monday, August 1, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Delchamps Room 161 North Section Street Discuss Fee Waivers & Community Development projects Notice must be stamped, dated and initialed before posted on bulletin board. POSTED ~-'1 /e, dl/YJ ~ATDn!Jn SIGNAnmr~ STAT OF ALAB MA OU TY OF BALOW! )( )( he ity Council met in a Work e s ion at 4:00 p.111 ., City Hall D !champ Room I 61 orth ection tr ec t, 161 orth ection treet Fairhop e, Alabama 36532 on Monday , I Augu t 2011. Pre ent were ouncil Pr e id ent Lonni e L. Mi xo n o un cilm mber ': D bbic W. Quinn and Ri k Kingrea and ity lerk Lisa A. I ta nk . oun ilmembers : Dan ie l tanko ki and Mi hael A. Fo rd , Ma or Timoth M. Kant , and it 11orney Marion E. Wynne were absent. ouncil President Mixon ailed the meet in g to order at 4 :00 p.m . he fol lowing topic were discu ed regardi ng the omm unity De clopm ·nt Budget: • unc il Pr esiden t Mi xo n read Re ·olut i n o . 1677-10 p rtaining to fie waivers at the Fairhope Ci ic e nter , th e Jame P. ix enter , an d tr ce ts and Park . The pr po ed fee wa iv e rs pol icy for non-profit s orga ni zation , pri r 10 Augu t 20 I 0, as al o di cus ·ed . • herry Sull ivan , Dir ecto r of Senior erviee ·. brieOy e ·pl ain d ea h ity E ent and it · related e ·pen e . The sugge led Dog Ta g and the FEEF /Boo ·ter olf 'ontribution we re deleted from thi s budget ed . Then, . ullivan ex pl ai ned the fee v ai er reque ·ts for eac h organization and the donation reque ·t . • o un cil memb er Kingrea stated , e need t ·ct a polic and tick t it. s. ullivan ·ugges tecl a di ·count fo r non -profit · such as O to 7 percent. regg Mims a!lrccd , ith ulli an . o un ci l Pre siden t i ·on , ·ked ull ivan lo pre pare a pr posed resolution and pa around . o un eilmemb r Kingrea w , asked to work "ith M ·. Sullivan on the re so lution and Ii t of req ue t for donations. There being no further bu me to ome before the Ci ty Council, the meeting v a duly adjourned at 4:50 p.m. ST T OF ALABA OU TY OF BALOW! )( )( The ity ouncil met in a Work Se ion at 4:00 p.111 . ity l lall , Del hamp Room , 161 011h e tion treet 161 orth ection tr et Fairhope labama 36532, on Monday, I ugu t 2011 . Pre ent ere oun ii Pr ident Lonnie L. Mi on oun ilm mbcr : Debbie W. Quinn and Ri k Kingrea and ity lerk Li a A. Hank . oun ·ilm mber ·: Daniel tankoski and Michael A. Ford , May r Timothy M. Kant and ity ttorney Marion . Wynne\ ere absent. Coun ii Pre ident Mixon called the meeting to order a t 4: 0 p .m. The foll , ing topi , er di cu ed regarding the mmunity De I pm ·nt Budget : • oun ii President Mi on read Re lution o. 1677-10 pertaining to fe wai crs at the Fairh pe ivic enter the Jame P. i enter, and treet and Park . Th propo ed fe wai ers policy for non-profits organization , prior to Augu t 20 10 ," a al o discu ed . • berry ullivan Director of Senior Service , briefly c 'pl ain d each related expen e. The ugge ted D g Tag and the F F/Boo ter were deleted fr m thi · budgeted . Then M ·. ulli an e plained the fee \l ai er reque t for each organizarion and the donation rcquc t . • ouncilmember Kingr a tat d e n d to t a poli y and sti . ulli an suggested a di ount for non-pr fits ; ·u h a 50 to 7 per nt. regg im · agr cd , ith Ms . ullivan . ouncil President Mix n asked Ms . ulli an t prepare a pr p ed resolution and pa around . uncilmember Kingrea wa asked to , ork , ith Ms . ullivan on the resolution and Ii t of rcque t for donations . Th re being no furiher bu me to c m befor the ity oun ii the me ting was duly adjourned at 4 :50 p.m . Li a A. Hank ity lerk Lonnie L. Mi on ouncil Pre ident u A RE OLUTIO T HEJ HE OL TIO 0. 1677-10 ETTI G FORTH US• OF T HE ft TRHOPE I IC E TER, El TER, A D TREET AND P RKS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OVERN I NG BODY OF THE ITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows : I. Fees for rental, security, clean-up, personnel or damages will not be waived for ·111y organizations who request to use the Fairhope Civic enter, the James P . ix Center, and the Fairhope Museum of History or to reserve · park or trcct for an event. All organi:mio11s (except of Fairhope P11hlic Schools and for City Sjumsored Eve11ts) will pay the fees as listed i11 th e c:t1rre111 ordinances pertaining to the Cil'ic Center, the James P. Nix Center, a11d park\-and .1treet re11 tals and 110 request may be made/or Jee waivers to the Mayor and/or City Cot1ncil. 2. The Fairhope Pub lic Schools may use the facilities for no charge with u written request by the school principal and the approval of the facility manager as long as the event docs not interfere with any regular opera ti ons or pay ing cus to mers. Events requested lo be held al a City facility by a schoo l cannot be for any ot her organization and the proc eeds ( even a portion) cannot benefit any organization other than the sc ho ol. law £11force111ent Perso11nel is required for a11y event where alcohol is present, for any school f1111crion or when deemed necessary hy the facility or event 111a11ager. The number <~f required law enfor c:ment perso1111el, fees, and any other law enforcement req111re111ents will be determined by the 1'c1ir/l(Jpe Police Department. ADOPTED TH IS 9TH DAY OF AUGUST 2010' A'ITEST : ( Fee Waivers for non-profit organizations at the Civic Center , the Nix Center and Streets and Parks 1. Non -profit organizations when scheduling an event that is free and open to the public will be exempt from all fees ; however, they will be responsible for security , clean -up , any damages and any incidentals (table cloths , use of piano , etc.). Organizations must be a Fairhope or Baldwin County based non-profit organization and must show proof of their 501©3. A portion of the proceeds must benefit Fairhope citizens or a Fairhope based organization. Law Enforcement Personnel is required for any event where alcohol is present, any school function or when deemed necessary by the facility or event manager. The number of required law enforcement personnel and any other law enforcement requirements will be determined by the Fairhope Police Department. 2 . Non -profit organizations when scheduling an event (on weekends or after hours) that is open to the public but charges an entry and/or participation fee , makes donation requests or sells tickets to part icipants will adhere to the following fee schedule : Civic Center/Nix Center Streets Parks $50 per hour $25 per hour $25 per hour, per park Events scheduled during normal business hours (Monday -Friday, 8 a.m . to 4 p .m.) will be at no charge as long as the facility is available . All other fees will still apply including any security, clean-up , incidentals or damage fees . 3 . The Fairhope Public Schools may use the Nix Center and the Civic Center duri ng normal business hours for no charge with a written request from the principal and approval by the facility manager but after hours they will be limited to 3 events per year. Fee waivers for their three events during the day or evening do not include fees for personnel , security , clean-up , incidentals or any damages . After the 3 allowed rentals, the non-profit rate as listed above with apply along with any security , clean -up or damage fees . 4 . Thomas Hospital may use the Nix Center and the Civic Center during normal business hours for no charge with a written request from the Hospital Administrator and the approval of the facility manager as long as the event is beneficial to the citizens of Fairhope . Fee waivers for these events during the day do not include fees that may app ly for personnel, security, clean-up , incidentals or any damages . After hours, fees listed above will apply along with any fee for personnel , security, clean-up , incidentals or any damages . All other organizations will pay the fees as listed in the current ordinances pertaining to Civic Center, Nix Center and parks and street rentals and no request may be made for fee waivers to the Mayor and/or the City Council. Community Development Budget 20 11 -2012 C itv Event E pen e F all Market Ex pen es J 500 d e11i in g . mu s ic , po t r . ban n r ity hr dding it\ I an-up W ABF Ad erti in g 1 lal low ee n afet , hri tma parad e pon F ran Mori e Contract ra pot . etc. ont ract wri t in g, city sketc hes. urre nt s Veterans Da mplo ee new s lette r, mi s pre relea es 1000 ar m agnets, de o rati ons , p laq ues Tree Lighting 40 ,000 tage re nta l e nte rtai nment, no machin , ound , tre li g h t E mplo ee C hris tma Party 7 500 mp lo ee luncheon Holida Decoration Misc. d e oratio n s as n eed d fo r fl oat, tc. Santa Saturday 1000 Ad verti in g , can d y can e for a nta , ent rtainme nt hri s tma Parade 5 000 a nd , a nt a throws M a or Pra er Break.fa t Ta b le fl ow rs Mardi Gra Port--let A rbor Da 500 5000 1000 Tent. heate r renta l b ea uti fica ti o n p laque s E arth Da 500 Po rt -o-lets Volunteer Week 100 0 ards reception Bald, in Pop ound 3 000 ound and Port-o-let fo r un e t cone rt Ju l 4 th cone rt ummer Farm Mark t 4000 Ad rt i in g , ba nners , pos t r mu · r ha e ad di tio n al te nt June Walkin g Tour. 000 Po ban ne r , a d erti ing, b u if ded for art tour Jul 4 th 2 ,000 Fir , bann r , tent for Bald ·n p p , poi;;o-1 t -F-EE-F, · · $5006 v \.:;ftrtcllfltl-¼f~~eesrter-tttt:11'ftfttnems 25,000 DTM ontribution 15 ,000 nt ri bu ti n to to uri s m broc hur , part r n utdoor movie Welcome ent r 15 000 uppli es mi c up g rad e a ne s ar port . Touri . m 20,000 000 T ting f du ti n Program T humb ba nd Web ite Maintenance 12,000 M r int ra c t i e programming , up grad , page turn e r pro g ram City Sketches 12,000 Total * (print I 000 ea ch quarter a nd pla ce n bpag ) IT .M ~/2tJD7J $:2::l:1.,@01T ( 70,333 per utility) D OT DI R D Name/Organ ization Contact Phone Event Date Waiver Amount Requested/Donation Amount Labor Co st 501c3? American Cancer Soc iety Martha Allegri 251-751-7159 Baron 's Ball/Nix Center 1-0ct-11 $485 YES Eastern Shore Art Center Kate Fisher 251 -928-2228 Grand Festival of Art October 8 & 9, 2011 $5 ,000 $2,900 YES Eastern Shore Art Center Kate Fisher 251-928-2228 Outdoor Art Show March 16-18, 2011 $2,400 YES Fairho pe/Sunset Rotary M ike Warrington Run ni n i n Streets 22-0ct-11 $150.00 S1,000 YES Fairho pe/Su nset Rotary Mike Warrington Danc in in the Streets 22-0ct-11 $150.00 YES Fairhope Pirate Booster Club Bob Keyser Boost er Club Drawdown 15-0ct-ll $485 S250 YES Fa i rhope Pirate Booster Club Bob Keyer Booste r Golf Mar-12 $3 ,000 YES Fa i rhope Pi rate Booster Club Bob Keyser Booster Donation $S0,000/Flve year commitment YES Jitterbug Theatre Erin Langley 251-928-004 7 Children Theatre/Civic Ctr Oct . 31 -Nov . 5 ALREADY APPROVED NO Ji tterbug Th eatre Erin Langley 251 -928-0047 Ch il dre n Th eatre/Civic Ctr Aug .13,14,16,2012 $5,000 YES Bal d win County Huma ne Soc Sonja Presley 251-928-4585 Fund rai ser/C ivic Ctr Nov. 18, 2011 $485 YES Bay Shore Ballet Janet Caro le 251-990-9744 Dance Th eatre/Civic Center Various $5,000 YES Ch il dren's Dance Th eatre Pagan Mosher Dance Theatre/Civic Center Nov. 19 & 20, 2011 $5 ,000 YES Rotary Youth Club Carolyn Marston 251-455-2982 Donation $7467, pl ay ground equ i pment YES Rotary Youth Club Carolyn Marston 251-455 -2982 Donation $278,314 for building u pgrade YES Rotary Youth Club Caro lyn Marston 251-455-2982 Salary Donation $57 ,146 YES Children of the World Pat Lee 251 -9 90-3550 Vario us Dec . 3, Jan 21, June $785 $500 YES FPL Foundation Mona lester 2 51-928-7 483 Hoot Scoot 27 -Apr-12 $150 $1,800 YES Po i nt Clear Rotary Rod Platt Taste of Rotary Apr-12 $485 YES Fairh ope Ki wanis Club Randall Gautney 251 -510-7994 Bookln 4 Books Out of CBD, no fee $1,000 YES Fairhope Kiwanis Club Randy Fidler 251-990-2936 Gumbo Cook OH Octboer 2011 $350 $200 YES Fairways Fore Fairhope GolfTournamnet Nov. 2011 $2 ,500 $1,000 YES BayArt Project America Jones 251 -709-0188 Mullet Run Oct. 2012 $200 S1,S00 YES The Good Li fe Foundation Karin W Iiso n 251 -928-5295 Kids Triathlon 3-Jun -12 $300 $1 ,200 YES The Good Li fe Fou ndation Kar i n W ils on 251 -928-5295 Boo k Fest ival Oct . 8 & 9, 2011 Combined w ith ESAC Outdoor Art Fes t ival YES The Good Ufe Foundation Karin W i ls on 251-928-5295 Street Clos i ng Nov. 10, 2011 $450 YES Fairhope Rotary Club Necle Borroni 251 -621 -4 438 Rotary Steak Cook -off 11-May-12 $550 $400 YES MARC Julie Pittma n 251 -4 79-7409 Field Trips/Beach Pavili o n Variou s $150 YES Ecu menical Ministries Sally Dean 251 -928-3430 Donation $10,000 YES Mobil e NEP Donation $5 ,000 YES Easern Shore Chamber Darrelyn Bende r 251-621-8222 Do n ation/B lue Pr in t $35 ,000 Eastern Sho r e Chamber Darre lyn Bender 251 -621-8222 Ann ua l Membersh i p $6,000 Eastern Shore Chamber Dar relyn Be nder 251-621 -8222 Arts and Cr afts Fest ival March 16 -18, 2012 $4,000 $28,000 Ea ste rn Shore Chamber Darrelyn Bender 251 -621-8222 Fa cili ties Use Various $2,000 Mobile Bay Keeper Cas i Callaway 251-433-4229 Grandman Jun-12 $2 ,000 $2,500 YES Eas tern Shore Optimist Club Gene Broadus 251 -990-8899 Dogwood/Christmas Tree Dec . 2011/Jan . 2012 $835 YES FEE F He len Chapelle 251-990-3333 Go lf , Fac ilites Us e/Clv Ctr Va r ious $3,100 YES Fairhope High School Band Will Du ncan 251 -928-9710 Donation $5 ,300 Fairhope High Schoo l Beverly Th omas 251-928 -8309 Fac i lities Use Var ious $3,000 Fairhope Middle School Angie Hall 251 -928-2573 Facil iti es Use Va riou s $2,000 Downtown Merchants Pete Blo hme Movie in t h e Streets $500 $1,000 NO Thomas Hospital Gayle Fogarty 251-928-237 5 SFC 17-Mar-12 $450 $1,500 YES Ch rone's Foundation Just i n Shugart 251 -941 -9900 Ch rone's Wa lk Oct. 23 , 2011 $700 YES Other Community Development Event La bor Costs (PW & Police) $70,000 Mardi gras, NYE, Christmas Parade, TOTAL GltANDTOTAl Items not i ncluded but requested past deadline: SmartCo ast Th e lighthouse Fairhope Ten n is Asso c . . • $5 ,000 $3,000 $420,000 505,887 $114,750 $620,637 FAIRHOPE POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL EVENTS OVERTIME OCTOBER 1, 2010 -SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 RECAP OF SPECIAL EVENTS : Football Games Basketba ll Games Veteran 's Day Parade Tree Lightning Movie Night Christmas Parade New Year's Eve MLK Parade Senior Bowl Mardi Gras Chinese New Year Spring Fever Run Arts & Crafts Torch Run Hoot Scoot Run Sarah Palin Event Library Run Graduation Grandman Triathlon 4th of July $8 ,082 .78 $0 .00 $1 ,044 .96 $515 .67 $571 .16 $2 ,698 .35 $1 ,648.70 $0 .00 $599 .58 $9 ,459 .80 $414 .83 $686 .04 $6 ,155 .54 $275 .94 $1 ,510.49 $2 ,357 .51 $314 .65 $466 .55 $1 ,661 .94 $6 ,049 .52 $44,513 .99 Sherry Sullivan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: May 23. _QI I Dear M . ullivan: carolyn .kinney@cancer.org Tuesday, May 24 , 2011 11 :01 AM Sherry Sullivan martha .allegri@gentiva.com American Cancer Society: Nix Center Fee Waiver Request On October I. 2011. the American Cancer Society will host our annual Baldwin County Gala Event and Fundrai er at the James P. Nix Center in Fairhope. We anticipate 250 guests to be in attendance for silent and live auctions, hor 'dourves and dancing. The purpose of the Gala is to raise funds for research, advocacy. education, and patient s upport programs in Baldwin County . We wish to request a tee waiver for the rental cost of the Nix Center. This would allow the City of Fairhope to be an in-kind ponsor for this charitable community event. We understand that we will be responsible for other associated fees. The American Cancer Society is a tax exempt agency per section 50 I (c)(J) of the Internal Revenue Code . The Federal Tax ID is# 64-0329009 and the tate Tax ID is #EX-13710. All gifts, ~oth cash and in-kind, are tax deductible as allowed by law . We greatly appreciate your support and dedication to the American Cancer Socie ty . Without community supporters, ·uch as you. we would not be able to continue our mis ion of research , education. adv cacy and ervice for can er patient and our community. If you should have any questions r need any additional information, please do not he s itate to contact me. artha at 751. 7159 or arolyn at 9_8.8650 or via email at c:.1rol 1 n '. 1.n_n<? @~7n c;er qrg incerely. ' IJ,f" ) l"/1 - . //}rt rlAa • '.&lry ri artha I legri Raldwin Gala E t!nl hair-olunteer ................... Q , ( 1//.) « ' c) ' (·k trr./711 ,./lillllfo/ /,;/)7r11r~ arolyn Kinney Byrne ml!rican ancer ociety Community R1:prl.!sentati e :arolyn Kinney Byrne I American Cancer Society, Mid-South D ivision, Inc. I Community Representative •JQS<) (jr e nu Ro ild, w te A I F tr hope, Al 16 5 2 ho .--l5 1928tl650 1 fax :25 1 ')2 9 . 4 74 1 email : 11 1 ,, •• , •• , May 4, 2011 Ms. Sherry Sullivan City of Fairhope PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 Dear Sherry : ll'I ' c. ~ ~ 1 t K N ~ H O R E A R T C E N T E R The Eastern Shore Art Center would like to request the use of Fairhope Avenue from Bancroft to Church and Section Street from De La Mare to Magnolia Avenue for the 29 th Grand Festival of Art. The Grand Festival of Art will be part of the Foll into Fairhope event on October 8 & 9, 2011, which will also include the Mullet Run and the Coastal Birdfest. The show hours are 10-5 each day. We would also like to request the closure of the streets at 5 PM on Friday, October 7 for booth set -up. Booths will be in the center of the streets facing toward the sidewalks. We would also like to request the use of Section Street from just north of Magnolia to Oak Street and on Oak Street; Section to Bancroft for the 40th annual Outdoor Art Show which will take place March 16 - 18, 2012. The City was very gracious to grant us the use of Equality Street this past year, unfortunately this was not a particularly good experience for our artists . I am sure that as we get closer to the event, the City , Chamber and our OAS Committee will readdress how we can accommodate more artists . Thank you for your consideration, and please do not hesitate to let me know if you need any further information . Sincerely, c!i(J,b Kate C. Fisher Director 401 Oa k Street• Fairhope, Alabama 36532 251.92 8.222 8 • 251.928 .5188 • www .esartcenter.com \I.tiling . \ddr,:~~: I' o ll,1x 1-1' F.1irh11p.:. \I ;<,5'; I hur ~day", 5· 'llpm ll5 26, 20 I I Dear \.la~ nr Kant. · .... , , --'/)'t~·l, tc;~.:: J ( ~s:., c:---~ •✓-~ ~r~~ , rrr Fairhope Sunset Rotary Club Fairhope •. \laha 111:1 l>i,rrkl <,HSII -Cluh 11 ,'l.!-11J \ k,:t in" . \dJr.:~s : F.1i rh11p e Y.tdll Clu h IOI ,,Jania .\,.: F.urhopl.'. \I. ;r,5 • ~ lh: Fairhope: Sunsd Ru1ar) Club is rcq11cs1i11g ,111 approval ll> lm,·c: 1hc: ➔t h . \1111ual R1111ni11· in 1he S1n:e1s ~k anJ I -mile run 1lll Sarurda_ morning Ck1uhcr 22"J from ~am 10 approx . I O:OOam . I.ate registralillll ,, ill he: from 6 :J Oam -7:Jllam . S~c attachc:d map for l11 L'ations . \Ve: arc: also rc!4l11!sling :rpprn,·al lu ha,·I! the 1i 11 annual Oam:in ' in the: S1rc:ds Party on De: I.a \,Ian: Stn:1:t un Saturday night < ktubcr 22 1111 from 7pm-l 0pm. \.Vt: arc: rcl1ucs1ing 10 dose: lht: slrt=cl from 5 pm-1 I :00pm for sci up am.! ckan up . S..:e a1tad1..:J map for lm:alion. hir horh c,·enls ,vc request a Fee: \.V ,I\ c:r frnm the: City dut: to all prm:c!c:Js \\ ill go hack imo lht: community ,·ia tht= s chools . rhc proc1.:eJs for th..:s c t,rn ..:, cnts ,, ill go 10 the Fairhope area sl:hnol principals fur th..:rl! discrdiunary li.rnds lii r i1.:ms 111::..:d..:d fur thl! school s an d the t'llrichm~rll nf th!:! childn:n . l.as t ~..:ar we don.11..:J apprn-x . :S 12.000 lo lht: sdllluls a nJ 1hc prt:\-iuus year it \\as u\ er '15 .000 . \Ve \\oldd lik..: t h.: opportunity tu do nlllrt.: 1his y..:ar h y ha, ing th'-·s..: 1,,0 annual ..:, crlls as -;ch..:du kJ . Sherry Sullivan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Sherry , Michae l Warringto n <m icha el.warri n g t o n@gmcne twork .com> Th ursday, M ay 26, 2011 12:12 PM Sherry Sull ivan M iche le Burme ister Request Fee Waver for DITS / RITS Runn in' in the Streets lM.pdf; Runnin ' in the Streets Sk map .pdf; DITS Setup Map.pdf; 0 5-2 6 -2011 Letter to City DITS · RITS .pdf High Here is my request form to request a fee waver for our events . I just realized that the cut off was June 3rd and I was getting ready to be out of town til June 2nd . I plan on sending Michele the applications for DITS / RITS with in the next couple of weeks. I am work ing on them . © Thanks , , " 1 1,il ': 'I I' r 11 q t,,11 ', ., , ,!, nt >l I •l .1) 11 ,· 11111 •,:: ,111 , !I ;~.-I Ir '/ 1,I ,'> :1 , i ,. I t , l •r'•':·' \I ',:i i \1 : t · , 1 .·,·,•) ; I ) 2 - WillilillillOO~~ f June 1, 2011 City of Fairhope P.O. Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 P.O. Box 84 Fairhope, AL 36533 To the Honorable City Council, The Fairhope Pirate Booster Club, Inc, a S0l(c)(3) non-profit organizadon, operates on an "all volunteer" basis. It's membenhf p are citizens of the City of Fairhope who expend countless hours of service and dedicated toward the improvement of our Middle and High School Athletic programs; funding those Capital Projects and expenses not furnished by the Baldwin County Public School System. Our beloved City has always displayed self-reliance, and taken action to better our community when State and County funds are directed outside our city UmJts . The Fairhope Pirate Booster Club embodies the spirit of our community, and introduces its future challenges in anticipation of receiving support of our ongoing efforts. On behalf of the Fairhope Pirate Booster Club, we would like to make the following requests for fee waivers and financial contributions for the upcoming year: *Waiver of green fees and cart rental at Quail Creek Golf Course for our annual golf tournament to be held during the flnt half of March 2012 *Waiver of rental fees at the Fairhope Civic C enter for our annual Drawdown dinner and dance, to be held on October 15 , 2011 (n addition to the above activities for which fee waivers are requested, the Boo ster Club in conjunction with Fairhope High School ls pursuing the renovation, expansion, and upgrade of our on-campus athletic facilities . We know from personal experience, as well a, from discussions with other schools and local real est.te professionals that quality academic and athletic facilldes are critical fact on in attracting and retaining fa mill es to the local community. While Fairhope's academic building, have been recently expanded and improved, our athletic facilities are under-sized, in disrepair, and lag behind those in our neighboring communities. The existing weight room In the fleld house is not large enough to safely train one team, yet up to four teams need to train at one time. Locker Room space Is limited, and does not provide enough room for an entire team to change at the Hme time. The training room is too small to accommodate treatment for number of players that must be seen on a given day. There is inadequate storage space resulting in equipment being stored in out-buildings or in unconditioned attic space, resulting in accelerated deterioration of the equipment. In an effort to correct this, the Booster Club bu embarked on a comprehensive master plan to provide the quality facilities more reflective of our City image. This master plan includes construction of a new 9600 square foot athletic training f acillty; renovation of the existing locker room, offices, and training room spaces; drainage and site improvement, to existing practice fields; and construction of additional outdoor training facilities. These facility Improvements are essential to the school's ability to field compedtive team, that students want to be a part of. We have witnessed, both in .our own children and our neighbor's, bow athletics have prepared them physically, mentally and emotionally to succeed in their life ahead through lessons learned in competition on the fields of friendly strife. The life lesson, or discipline, character, selflessness, and responsibility are aU products of athletic competition, which reinforce and complement the lessons learned in the classroom. Our volunteer organization remains committed to achieving these improvements on behalf of our community and for the benefit of Fairhope'• children for years to come. Over the put 5 years, the Booster Club bas provided over $300,000 to fund facility capital Improvements, equipment needs and travel expense1 incurred by teams competing in the state playoffs. We, 11 members of the Booster Club and the community, are devoting our time, talent, and treasure to making thJ1 master plan a reality. While the principal beneficiaries are the student, of Fairhope schools, our entire community benefits from this investment. The revenues generated through athletic events, the improved t2x base from Increased student enrollment, and sense of pride the community takes in the schools' athletic accomplisbmentl all provide return on thls investment. Further, our athletic programs provide healthy, wholesome activities to keep our children maintaining healthy lifestyles and away from illegal or Improper activities. We ask the City of Fairhope to be an active partner in our efforts to improve our facilities and our community. Accordi ngly, we ask for: *Fi nancial contribution o( SS0,000 per year for 5 yean to assist In the construction of a new Fairhope Athletic Training Facility to be located on the campus of Fairhope High School. These funds, along with other donations and capital campaign proceeds, wiJI facilitate the construction of this 9600 square foot building that wiU have an indoor training f acillty with 28 high quaUty weight machines. The project will also renovate the existing Field House, athletic offices, locker rooms, and training rooOL This ls the first step of the comprehensive facility master plan intended to I mp rove our facilities and training spaces. The total cost of the construction for this first step is estimated to be approximately SS00,000, the balance of which will be funded with cash reserves, a capital fund drive, and annual ongoing fundraising efforts. We appreciate your past support and your thoughtful consideration of this very important request. Your support is absolutely essential to our ability to finance and execute this project. Sincerely, R~ President Fairhope Booster Club )11ne J, 2011 Dear Ms. Sullivan , Jitterbug Theatre respectfully requests a fee waiver for August 13, 14, and 16th of 2012 tor auditions for our fall musical (open to area 3rd-12th graders). For auditions, we usually use the Civic Center between the hours of 3pm and 6 :30pm. We plan on presenting our musical to schools during the first week of November in 2012 as well. We thank you for your support of Jitterbug Theatre's school musicals. Through the contract the City Council provided us with, we have secured the dates of Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 2011 for our musical this year. Again, we sincerely thank you for contributing the arts in education. Sincerely yours, Erin Langley l l,,11w 11 1 1 1 I I, .,·i11~.l l,,11 11 •"111,·l ltt11 a ·/IJ• f :•,1 •1.!"C, ,.., F :J l,1111 ,•l 1\l'11111 t: \9<•: , ''"'1 ·r 1nl.11 dt·\ 111 t :3JIJwin CourHy Humane Society (BARC!) f \t.1bll1hed in 1979 17 th ANNUAL CHRISTi'JlAS BY THE BAY Friday, .'lovember 18, 2011 ( · I I I{ I '\ f' .\ I \ \ Fai rhope Civic Center 6p.m. to 9p.m. . I\ I I at ' I \' Board Officers Marla G•..,ynn Pretldent Chri,tlne Sherwin Vice Prl!t ldent NP.vln Yank ie ~ecrtt,u·y lynn Mostyn Tre•111rer Board of Directors lou Ausman Deneen B•llstere l lnd• s,okaw l)onn• 1:l11rn1 Sue Gludlll r riln Dtute :lltabeth Hall H•mp Johnston C•therlne Mcinnis 1<o11hy Murchison Or . Stephanl,e Powe /Ji ll r ~ylor !<Jthh•en rhompson Wendy Vngel lic e 'N'!bb Honorary \11,ert l'.o, te. 01/M r, ,cy 11n1 rlay ,h.-l'>y 't11 t chell •l ~rhArl Murld (Qn11i11 Wt,iddon St,iff ,on1a Pr~,ll!y, fucutlv e Oirl!ct or Re v,!rly lfkk s, ,\tfo \Jt ,on r .,nrd ~Hor 'l•ncv M.1r1tn , June 1, 2011 Dear City of Fairhope City Council , Request the City of Fairhope waive the fee for us to rent the Fairhope Civic Center for our major annual fundraiser to be held November 18, 2011 . Established in 1979, the Baldwin County Humane Society is the only animal welfare organization serving all of Baldwin County, Alabama. We are volunteer driven and rely solely on donations and grants to provide our many services. With your help we have successfuUy accomplished the following during 2009 and 2010: ► Providing lost -cost spay/neuter programs that have resulted In the spay/neuter of 2,343 cats and 915 dogs; ► Underwriting medical costs for Injured, sick or abused animals; ► Finding homes for 227 dogs and 169 cats that were abandoned or surrendered; ► Since May 2010, assisted needy families allowing them to keep their pets by providing 19,463 pounds of food to 5,316 cats and dogs. Distributions are done in conjunction with Prodisee Pantry and Ecumenical Ministries. More information is on www.BaldwinHumane .or g. Your consideration is most appreciated . With your help we can continue to help homeless, abandoned and injured pets in Baldwin County. 306 Magnolia Avenue• PO Box 206 • Fairhope AL 36533-0206 Telephone 251.928 .4585 • Fax 251.990 .717 1 • www .B,1ldwlnHumJ11e.or g Sherry Sullivan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments; Dear Sherry. Jane t Snyder < twi ntutu 2002 @yaho o .com > Tu esday, May 31 , 20li 5:03 PM Sherry Sullivan tw intutu2002@yahoo.com copy of letter requesting grant of fi nancial aid for Fa irhope Civic Center rents for 2011 -2012 Letter to Mayor Kant and the City Council.docx l am attm:hing a letter that you have requested which I also sent along to Mayor Kant and all of the members of the ity Council, as well as to the city clerk . In this letter, I a m requesting that the city wi II continue to grant tinancial aid for the rents of the Fairhope Civic Center for Bay hore Ballet Theatre performances in 20 I l- 2O12. Please let me know you have received this . Thanks so very much! Janet Carole, Director, Bay Shore Ballet Theatre BAY SHORE BALLET THEATRE May 25, 2 011 :m.s F8f,S AVENUE, F:\fR/fOPE, :\L ., :165 :/2, :!51 -990-97 IJ !)/RECTOR. ,JANET C. \ROLE Dear layor Kant and Members of the City Council, As Ji rector of the Bay Shore Ballet Theatre in Fairhope, I would like to thank you o very much for your recent grant of financial relief for the rents of the Fairhope Civic Cc.-:nter for our performances presented in April. These performances are part of our Education in the Arts program which we have presented for many years at the Fairhope Civic Center. Some of the past productions of The Bay Shore Ballet Theatre for these performances have included "The Nutcracker", "Cinderella", ·Peter and the Wolf', and "'The Sleeping Beauty", along with many others. Our goal is to bring full professional theatre to ~hildren who otherwise may not ever have this kind of experience. Over the many years, we have been able to bus in thousands of children to the Fairhope Civic Center from every comer of Baldwin County. It is a gratifying feeling to see the joyful faces of our young audiences filled with wonder and delight, who respond to these performances with great appreciation and enthusiasm. It is rewarding for us to know that we have been able to bring thi invaluable experience of cultural enrichment to them. Our young audiences have the chance to see theatre productions which are highlighted with professionally designed sets and scenery and legendary musical scores and orchestrations. The children listen to a professional narrator who guides them along in their understanding of the production as they watch these classics come to I ife with the very talented performers of The Bay Shore Ballet Theatre. r . Kant, and Members of the City Council, we would like to request, in light of our continuing efforts to bring this cultural enrichment to the children and citizens of Baldwin County, that you will again extend this courtesy of financial relief for the rents at the Fairhope Civic Center for the up-coming productions for the year of 2011-2012. In the coming year we will continue to provide children, families, and the entire community with this dynamic cultural theatre experience and continue our t!fforts to enhance the l:itizens :1nJ businesses of the city of Fairhope, as well. We are most grateful for your recent grant und appreciate that your recent grant has made it possible for all of the dedicated prot\!ssionals and dancers of The Bay hore Ballet Theatre to look forward once again to bringing the magic of live theatre to Fairhope. Thank you so much for your kind attention. Very inccrcly, Janet Carole. Director. Bay Shore Ballet Theatn: BAY SHORE BALLET THEATRE May 25. 2011 :/05 FELS AVl!:NUE, f<~-VIUIOPE, :\L., :165 ,11, '151 -990-97 /./ DIRECTOR, I:\ VETC:\ROf,E Dear Mayor Kant an<l Members of the City Council, As director of the Ray Shore Ballet Theatre in Fairhope, I would like to thank you so very much for your recent grant of financial relief for the rents of the Fairhope Civic Center for our performances presented in April. These performances are part of our EJucation in the Arts program which we have presented for many years at the Fairhope Civic Centl!r. Some of the past productions of The Bay Shore Ballet Theatre for these performances have included "The Nutcracker", "Cinderella", "Peter and the Wolf", and ·'The Sleeping Beauty", along with many others. Our goal is to bring full professional theatre to children who otherwise may not ever have this kind of experience. Over the many years, we have been able to bus in thousands of children to the Fairhope Civic Center from every comer of Baldwin County. It is a gratifying feeling to see the joyful faces of our young audiences filled with wonder and delight, who respond to these performances with great appreciation and enthusiasm. It is rewarding for us to know that we have been able to bring this invaluable experience of cultural enrichment to them. Our young audiences have the chance to see theatre productions which are highlighted with professionally designed sets and cenery and legendary musical scores and orchestrations. The children listen to a professional narrator who guides them along in their understanding of the production as they watch these classics come to life with the very talented performers of The Bay Shore Ballet Theatre. Mr. Kant, and Members of the City Council, we would like to request, in light of our continuing t:fforts lo bring this cultural enrichment to the children and citizens of Baldwin County , that you will again extend this courtesy of financial relief for the rents at the Fairhope Civic Center for the up-coming productions for the year of 2011-2012. In the coming year we will continue to provide children. families, and the entire community with this dynamic cultural theatre t:xperience and continue our dforts to enhance the citizens and businesses of the city of Fairhope, as well. We are most grateful for your recent grant and appreciate that your recent grant has made it possible for all of the dedicated professionals and dancers of Thi! Bay Shore Ballet Theatre to look forward once again to bringing the magic of live theatre to Fairhope. Thank you so much for your kind attention. Very~i ·erely. # _ ~tfl~LflrO~ Janet C . rule!. Director. Ray Shnre Ballet Theatre Dear kmbcrs l>f the Fairhopt! 'ity Council. For the pa sl JO year ·, The 'hilJren · s Dance Theatre has ha<l the n::ntal an<l hourly fees , ai cd for the use of the Fairhope Ci ic enter so that \ e coulJ participate i 11 the Ea skm Shore 'hambcr of ommt!rct:'s 'hristmas Open Hou se. by giving Fairhope citi zens a highly entertaining, educational an<l enriching dance performance. Tht! fol lo ing Monday and Tuesday. approximately 2500 school childrcn (that is over 75.000 children over the past JO years) are bused in to scc this pcrformance to contribute to tht:ir much-nccJed arts in education curriculum . ( ec attached Pre s release and teachcr's kiters). The City has always waived the fees in support of this contribution to the community and school children that this event benefits. he Children's Dance Tht!atre does not profit from this cndeavor. We have non-profit 50 I cJ tax-exempt status. Our expenses are primarily costumes, scenery props, and lighting . We charge a nominal ticket price for attendance, which helps us recoup these expenses . With the rental fees waived, we break even, but if Rental fees are incurred, we will operate at a deficit which means we will no longer be able to continue our mission of bringing children's literature to life through dance, theater, music and visual arts (scenery). With the public schools funding cuts, the arts have all been eliminated and it is o important to give the tudents of Fairhope a chance to experience this kind of arts education. Let us know, if you are interested in hearing how we were instrumental in getting the first music and art teachers into the Fairhope School system. We tee! strongly about sharing our art with the community. We loan our scenery, props and costumes, free of charge to area schools and churches . Without The Children's Dance Theatre they won't have these available anymore. We strive to improve the Civic Center each time we use it. We donated $500 for the purchase of a new curtain in 1999 . We have added a pulley and a rise ystem. Two years ago we installed a fly system for the benefit of any other group. We focus the lights, replace bulbs and gels, repair curtains, fix doors, remove old wire left by others, vacuum the entire upper stage area and always leave the theater in good condition. We have freely given our professional advice to past and present managers on proper tactics to clean, repair or replace components of the stage area. To produce a professional performance, we spend J to 4 months and countless hours choreographing and rehearsing the dancers and making scenery and costumes. We need 35 to 40 hours in the Civic Center to clean the space. put down a custom made dance 11 or, hang the scencry. bring in costumes and prop . have adequate time for Jress rehearsal , ith the dancers . do 5 paformance and then take down and remove all of the :.ibove . The hildren ·s Dan e Theatre is a Fairhope tradition that needs to bt! nurtured and supported so that we can continue to t!nrich our community as only the Performing Arts can . Pkast!. accept our gratitude for working to tind an equitable solution to the u e of the Ci ic Center. rhe hildren·s Dance Theatre. other Performing Arts 50lcJ groups and the children & citiLens of Fairhope will be fore er grateful. S incl!rely. Eugenia l.anuux & Pagan tosher Co-Director ~lission Statement !"he: purpo-c of 'hilJn.:n's Dance Thcatrt: is to proJuce highly creative and cntcrtaining litc.:rature bascd Thcutrt:/Dam.:c proJudions for public and private schools. Rt:cognizing that the school children of Fairhope and the wunty have little to no exposure to the pcrforming arts and a1.:knowh:Jging the: U.S . Department of Education·· position that High-quality programs cffectively integrating and enhancing arts instrnction are incrcasingly important as students face the demands of the information age in the 21 '1 century. Creating, performing. and responding to works of art builds creativity. self-confidence. and critical thinking skills - qualities central to success in school, work, and life. Benefit chool Children • The Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving. approximately 2500 school children (that is over 75.000 children in the past JO years) are bused in lo see a Children's Dance Theatre (CDT) production. This performance contributes to their much needed arts in education curriculum. • In 20 IO we sponsored 150 students from Elsanor, a Title one school, to experience theatre arts. We plan to expand in 201 l. • The productions are offered for all area school-age children with no exclusions. Many special education classes have attended throughout the years . • CDT provides exposure to theatre arts at a nominal fee . • Teachers are provided with educational packets that reinforce the educational aspects of the production. Benefit to the Town of Fairhope • We loan our scenery. props, and costumes, free of charge to area schools and churches . • We have purchased a floor covering for the stage that we let other groups use. Benefit to Civic Center • We donated $500 for the purchase of a new curtain in 1999. • We ha e added a pulley and a ri ·e system. • ost recently we have installed ally system that can be used by all. • We focus the lights. replace bulbs and gels. repair curtains, n:move old wire ldt by others, vacuum the cntire upper stage area and always leave the theater in go d condition . Closing O1hcr 1han tht.! Fairhope 1v1c enter there is no enue in lhe Fairhope.! area that" ill accommodate the prnposcd prodw.:tion . '"hi: Childrcn·s Dam.:t.! n,catrc is a Fairhope tradition that needs to he nurtured and s upported so that\ c can _ontinuc to cnrich our community as nnly the Performing rts can. May31,201I City of Fairhope Attention : Sherry Sullivan PO Drawer Fairhope, AL 36533 Re : Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club 2012 Special Funding Request Dear Ms. Sullivan: On behalf of the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club, I would like to thank the City of Fairhope for its support. Over the past two years, the Rotary Youth Club has tripled its membership base and expanded its programs to better serve our community and its youth. The City of Fairhope's support has been integral to our success. For the upcoming year, the Rotary Youth Club is submitting two special funding requests to the City of Fairhope: I) updated playground equipment for the Young Street Park and 2) partial funding for a facility expansion. I . Afier inspecting the equipment in Young Street Park in 2011, the City of Fairhope removed broken playground equipment from the Park. This park is used by the general public, but it is also used by the Rotary Youth Club during its program activities. Attached, you will find some photographs and pricing samples of the type of equipment that we are requesting . The equipment is listed by priority. If the City approves the full request for equipment, the total would be $7,467. 2. The mission of the Rotary Youth Club i to empower youth with ·kills and experiences so they can reach rhcir full potential :is productive, caring and responsible members of . ocicty. Although RYC offers diverse activities and opportunities to its members, academic is a priority and focus of the organization . The Rotary Youth Club realizes that its current facilities limit the type of programs and activities offered to our members. The construction of a 4,200 square foot addition will assist with ddivering neces ·ary services and programs . The addition will consist of four (4) classrooms (Library /reading area, Computer Lab, Arts & Crafts Room and a multi-use classroom), an administrative otlice, a reception area and a staff bathroom . The original, competitive bid for the project was $364,551 .98; however. profit and n,11.:rhca<l expenses \ ere rcmo cd and scr ices do11a1c<l to produce a price of 5278,J I 3.30. Foirhope-Poi111 Clear Rotwy Youth l11b 2 012 Special F11 11ding Request Page f\ o This budget Joes not include furnishings or technological equipment. To fund this project, the Rotary Youth Club is applying for an Impact 100 Baldwin County grant (total of $106,000) in July 2011 and will initiate a capital campaign . It is our understanding that the City of Fairhope has nccc :si ble funds for the se type of projects . We are requesting that the City of Fairhope awa rd the Rotary Youth Club money from this oun:e of funding to complete this project. Investing in a quality afier school and summer program is an absolute necessity for our community. Being able to offer the proposed facility expansion would be ideal; however, the Rotary Youth Club is also exploring less expensive options to meet its facility needs. Since the expansion project relies upon several sources of income and other factors, the Rotary Youth Club is developing other solutions in case the Club only receives partial funding. A second option would entail enclosing an area inside the current gym to create classrooms. Plans are being created. The Rotary Youth Club believes that the future success of our community is proportionate to our community' ability to raise a generation of competent, killed and responsible adults. If this funding request is granted, we will be able to better meet the needs of our community's youth. Again, we would like to thank the City of Fairhope for its support. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this funding request, please contact me at 251-455-2982 or via email at 1.:arn lyn .marstunCtirotaryyouthdub.or~. S ince rely, Carolyn Marston cc : r. Edward Brinson, RYC Board of Directors Mr. Charles Durgin, Jr., RYC Operation Director Equ ipment found on •,wrN .1p ,11k m m (American Park & Recreation Company) l~\. Zoom Price: $2, 150.00 fRB SHIPPIII 421-51 O 5' Super Slide Weight: 3 30 1bs ADA Accessible : No .. - C o n 1µl8te pack, ge fr e ·t,--:indi g s lr r e sy ··tern . 3' x 3' .-,tr.el O ~ ·k . '~l ('. ire.;, Rr1ils . Pipe ./\/;:ills .:rnd Slide 0 11 b l W. 111 S lid e 2 Po•M ler c o .1 e :1 112" 111,JIn 11p ric Jht µos ts , -;tr11r 111d tr ,1r1 sI tI o n d Jc k r:J il s J 12 -<J<luqe p .ifornt .d . l1P.c:1 t cl1 .;~1 pati11q . hr ·,vn 111 :1lte vin y l fi n1 s l1 ,d ·t,~el r,in s1l1on d0 t:k . 11d ·-;t;m /\v .111.i h le r.o lo rs . r,1n lV'/l11lf?1(J r 1ylf31.J<:k/Tea l GrP. n t '"'µni !l nrn tll Grn /Ok Cm/R o y,11 :-3111 c/Co hr1lt B ltS ky 81/Te 11 Bf/Ok P111 pl 1Purpln/P1r•k t F 11 · ;1.J t l~11d /Or,11 1qe/YP.l low /LI '(1:ll tJ W May 30, 2011 Ms. Sherry Sullivan 161 N. Section St Fairhope, Al 36532 Dear Ms. Sullivan, Children of the World is a non -profit Adoptiof1 and Relief Agency located in Fa i rhope . We are requesting a fee waiver or sponsorship for the City of Fairhope for the following events. Candy Cane Christmas -Saturday Dec 3, 2011 Chinese New Year Celebration -Jan 21, 2012 Children of the World picnic -Beach pavilion-June 2012 Thank you so much for your consideration of our organization. For His .O;,ildren_y, au~0 Pat lee Director of Adoptions Chi ldren of the Worl d 19940 State Hwy 181 Moore Haven Suite C-4 Fairhope, AJabama-USA-36532 Phone: 251 -99()..3550 Fax: 251 -9 90.3494 lay 3I.2011 Mayor Tim Kant Members of The Fairhope City Coum:il P.O. Drawer -H9 Fairhope, Al 36533 Re: Funding for the Fairhope Public Library Foundation event for inclusion in the 2012 City Budget Dear Mayor Kant and Fairhope ity Council membt!rs, The Fairhope Public Library Foundation Board respectfully requests that funding for the 2012 Hoot Scoot be included in your fiscal year's budget for the 2011-2012 year. The Foundation exists as an Alabama non-profit corporation whose purpose is to raise and t::<pend funds to supplement the opt!rating funds provided by the City to the Fairhope Public Library. The Hoot coot race is presently the only fundraiser held by the Foundation and will be held for the fourth consecutive year, on April 27, 2012. The past three years the city has provided police protection and waived the stre\!l closing and other fees associated with our event. We are unable to provide funding for this and are willing to\ ork with the city to provide adult volunteers to supplement the police coverage in order to reduce costs to the city, which has paid for 17 ot1icers during the race. In addition the city provided use of personnel to set up and talce down a band stage on the librnry grounds and provided use of barricades, an electrical box, chairs, tents, trash cans. and tables which race volunteers set up and took down . We would again n:qut:st use of this t:quipment and the personnel to hdp with these same st!rvices. With the exception of the police otlicers, aJI other services and help by city employees takes place during regular operating hours so that no overtime is requirt:d . fhank )\HI for induding this rc4ucst for funding in next )ear's hudget. We fed the ra~e brings not only funding to the lihrary. but also publicity s o that the community is aware that tht! foundation no\ exists. long with the l)pportunity to make corporate /individual Jo nations. ~),peel full;-( 0:1kl14-~J/h----~~~~~ 20 IO I loot . cont Ract! ( 'hair 2011 I loot Swot R:.ict! Chair 1 '< ) . {< ) I '. ~ 1: IRll<ll'I ·. 1,.\:\\\1.\ ·,,·1; 1.~i, fay I 8. 201 I Fairhope City Council ity of Fairhope P. 0. Drawer 429 Fairhope. AL 36533 Dear City ouncil. Point Clear Rotary Club P. 0. Box 202 Point Clear, AL 36564 The Point Clear Rotary Club will be utilizing the Fairhope Civic Center in April 2012. for the 12 th Annual Taste of Rotary. This event is the primary fundraiser for the club, and is a n important component in our funding of several local charities, educational scholarships, and other worthy causes in the Point lear and Fairhope area. The Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club has been one of the primary grant recipients over the past eleven years, with the funding primarily raised from the proceeds of Taste of Rotary. The Rotary Youth Club is one in which the city also has a vested interest and our purposes converge. he Point Clear Rotary Club has hosted the Taste of Rotary at the Fairhope Civic Center the past four years and approximately 400 people have attended. The continued succes and growth of this event is complimented by its location at the civic l:enter. As a non- profit civic organization, the Point Clear Rotary lub respectfully requests your consideration of waiving the $485 rental fee for the 20 12 Taste of Rotary. The club expects and will pay other fees that will be due. Your co nsideration f this request is greatly appreciated. lkspec tfully sub mitted. Sincerely. Rod Pl:ltt 2010-_0 I I Pre ident Point lear Rotary Club Kiwanis Fairhope And The Eastern Shore June 9, 2011 Randall Gautney, Secretary Kiwan i s Fairhope and the Eastern Shore PO Box 1024 Fa i rhope, Al 36533 Honorable Tim Kant Mayor of Fairhope PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36532 Dear Mayor Kant: Bookin 4 Books 251.510.7994 randall@gotneimages .com Bookin 4 Books began in 2010 as a service project to rally our community in an ongoing effort to provide funds for the public school libraries in the Fairhope community. We greatly appreciate the City of Fairhope's support during our first two years . A major component of Bookin 4 Books is our SK Plot Trot and 1 Mile Pun Run . These runs begin and end in the park ing lot of Fairhope Middle School. Our route has been carefully designed to be easily secured and cause minimal disruptions to normal traffic. We respectfully request that the City of Fairhope waive any and all fees and charges associated with this run, i ncluding charges for police protection. Every dollar we can save in fees is an additional dollar that directly benefits the children of our commun ity. I look forward to hearing from you . Respectfu ll y submitted , /f~~ Randall Gautney Secretary, Ki wanis Fairhope and the Eastern Shore Sherry Sullivan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Fidler, Randy < Ran dy.Fidler @m org an sta nl ey sm ithbarney .com > Thursday, June 09, 2011 1:06 PM Sherry Sullivan Lott, Tom Correction n,e Jct ual dJ !e ~ n-~ed ,s the 29t h or the Gu m bo Al so R<1 ndall is ~rn tl ing yo u now on Bookin heads u p on 1h1s 1 Randy Working to secure and protect your "retirement paycheck." Randall K. Fidler Vice President -Financial Advisor Morgan Stan ley Smith Barney 7530 Parker Rd Fairhope, AL 36532 (251) 990-2936 (251) 990-2960 fax randy. fidler@morganstanley .com My Homepage: www.morganstanley.com/fa/randy .fidler IHI J : ,\\\\\'d uid.s lr l·a 111 .t\/111 s/ra11dall lidh:r/ Past pi:rformance is nol a g uarantee of future results. Investments and serv ices offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC , member SIPC . rt,a nks for the This report has been generated from information that Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC and its Financial Advisors and vestment Representatives (collectively "we'' or "us") believe to be reliable and accurate . We do not, however, represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this report . You , the client, have provided us the data from wh ich this report has been generated . The report has been calculated from software and formulas that were not developed by us . As such , all calculations , estimates and opinions included in this report const itute our best judgment as of this date and upon the information you have provided us and may be subject to change . It is your respons1b1lity to do your own evaluation , check and calculat ions to determ ine the accuracy of the information contained in this report . Ne ither we nor our affi liates will be respons ible for the consequences of your reliance upon any opinion , calculation or other information contained herein or for any omission . From: Lott, Tom [mailto :Tlott@sterneagee.com] Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 1:02 PM To: Fidler, Randy (Wealth Mgmt MS) Subject: RE: Fee waiver SAT IS THE 29TH From: Fidler, Randy [Randy .Fidler@morganstanleysmithbarney.com] Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 12 :44 PM To: Sharpe, Charise Cc: Lott, Tom Subject: Fee wa iver v 11 ue11a11 or au me clu bs that part ici pated in the G um bo Cha mpionsh ip please waive the fee that 1s charge d to use the pa rk area to th e sou th at the Fairho pe Pier. Th e eve nt is currently pl anned for th e las t Sa turday in Octob er (10/30/11 ). Tha nk s , Randy F id le r Fa irho pe Kiwani s Presid ent Randall K. Fidler V ice Pres ident -Fin anc ial Adv isor Morgan Stan ley Sm ith Barney 7 530 Parker Rd Fairhope , AL 36532 (251) 990-2936 (251) 990 -2960 fax randy.fidler@morganstanley .com My Homepage: .vww morg nst3 nley corn /fa /r andy ti die r h t t n.;, 1 ,., \\ ,, .1 uicb1r~·:1111. t ,,/i ns, ran d a l I ti dkr,' Pas t perform ance is no t a g uarant ee of fu t ure re s ults . Investments and serv ices offered through Morgan Stan ley Sm ith Barney LLC , member SIPC . Th is report has been generated from information that Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC and its Financial Adv isors and Investment Representatives (collectively "we" or "us") believe to be rel iable and accurate. We do not, however, represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information conta ined in this report. You , the client, have provided us the data from whi ch th is report has been generated . The report has been c alculated from software and formulas that were not developed by us. As such , all calcu lat ions , estimates and opin ions inc luded in th is report const itute our best j udgment as o f this date and upon the information you have prov ided us and may be subj ect to change . It is your respons ibili ty to do "'Ur own eva lu at ion , c heck and c alcu lat ions to determ ine the accuracy of the information conta ined in thi s report . Ne ither .? nor our affili ates will be respons ib le for the consequences of your re li ance upon any op inion , c alcu lat ion or other information conta ined here in or for any om iss ion . •' I , ,, ,, • • ,' •• •'f f 1 ,II 1 • • I I f• ,, .. I ' I o I · .... . , .. • ,' I ·································································································· Sterne Agee Gro up, Inc . and its subs idiaries request that you do not transm it orders nd in structions regard i ng your Ste rn e Agee account by e-mail . Transa ctional deta ils d o not supersede normal trade confirmat ions or statements . The information contained in th is transm iss ion is priv ileged and confident ial. It is intended for the use of the ind ividual or ent ity named above . The information conta ined herein is based on sources w e be lieve reli ab le but is not cons idered all -in clus ive . Op in ions are our cu rrent o pini o n s on ly and are su bj ect to c hange w ithout not ice . O ffer ings are subjec t to pr ior sal e an d/or chang e in pric e. Pr ices . quotes , ra tes and yields are sub ject to c hange wi thout not ice . St e rn e Agee & Leach , Inc. m ember FINRA and SIPC , is a reg istered b ~r -d ealer su bsidia ry of Sterne A gee Gro up , Inc. G enerall y, invest ment s are NO T 2 t t'I ,1 I I It Dear Mayor Kant and Fairhope City Council, On April 3 pt Fairhope Intermediate School held it's First Golf Tournament. It was a huge success thanks to all the help of the sponsors, players and the City of Fairhope. Everything was perfect that day (including the weather!). We did notice one small problem and that was that the tournament was competing with many other tournaments at that time. After much thought, we have decided to move our wonderful event to the fall (November). All of our guests loved playing at Quail Creek and enjoyed your polite staff. We raised quite a bit of money as well as our golfers enjoyed your restaurant . We would like to ask if you could once again be a Title Sponsor and waive some our golf fees so that we can give more to the school. We know it has come so quickly after the first one but we feel that November will better suit everyone involved. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely The Fairways Fore Fairhope Committee Gretchen Valentine Jodie Boyett -Fidler Carol Broughton Betty Stej ska I Jennifer Norri s ~illCC I 7<JI} Dear Mayor Kant, BALDWlN COUNTY PUBLlC SCHOOLS Building Excellence Fairhope Intermediate School We respectfully request your consideration in waiving the green fees for our fall golf tournament "Foreways for Fairhope". We are looking at calendar dates in October however a definite date has not been established. We enjoyed tremendous success with our first tournament last April which tran lated into approximately S 16,000.00 for the students at Fairhope Intermediate School. Out of respect for the many tournaments held in the spring and to avoid conflict with other entities that are raising funds for our schools, we decided to move our tournament to the fall. With budgets short, we hope this golf tournament will bring fiscal stability as well as much pleasure for the community and players. Please let me know hould I need to ubmit further information. Sincerely, • Sherry Sullivan From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Sherry, .imerica jon es < america@fa irhopemulletrun .com > Thu rsda y, June 09, 2011 10 :07 AM sherri sullivan ; She rry Sullivan request for fee wa iver Thanks for the opportunity to subm it a request for waiving the fees associated w ith the Fa irhope Mullet Run, Sponsored by The BayART Pro j ect and benefit ing art educat ion through public art. Historically, the fees for the event are as follows : -the park rental and electric fee, 150&50=200.00 total -the race route traffic help with the police dept, com ing in around 1000 .00 each year . If these fees could be waived, it would be a tremendous financial help to The BayART Project in its' goal for raising funds to do public art projects & promote art education outside the classroom, as well as provide young people with valuable li fe skills . Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you, Ameri'ca Jones -Gallaspy www F,mhooe Mullet Run .com 450 Equality Ave irhope, Al 36532 .:il-709-0188 11v11.n.c-,11,I-Ufc-fHn,lat1cn .or, June 8, 2011 To Whom It May Concern: The Good Life Foundation requests the parks for our annual Jubilee Kids Triathlon which will be held the day after Grandman Triathlon. The first year we had over 500 people in attendance (164 participants). T2012 date is set for Sunday, June 3rd 2012 (annually) with a cap of 400 participants for 2012 . his event was designed to bring families to our area for the whole weekend when coming for the Grandman. This will ·--ave a substantial economic impact over the years to come. We are also holding a book festival in conjunction with the Grand Festival of Arts Oct 8 th and 9 th annually . The streets are already closed downtown , we are partnering with GF A and will have the book festival portion on De La Mare. The Center for the Writing Arts will be one of the beneficiaries. We are hosting Codoleeza Rice (please do not talk about right now until it is announced) Nov 10th 2011 at lunch time, closing down De La Mare will be requested for line . We will bring in a huge crowd for downtown Fairhope , this is a one time event. Sincerely, Karin Wilson The Good Life Foundation (Formally Page & Palette Foundation) wwv.n.•-Got.,-Ufe-founo1at1on .or, June 8 , 2011 To Whom It May Concern : The Good Life Foundation requests the parks for our annual Jubilee Kids Triathlon which w ill be held the day after Grandman Triathlon . The first year we had over 500 people in attendance (164 participants). T2012 date is set for Sunday, June 3rd with a cap of 400 participants . his event was designed to bring families to our area for the whole weekend when coming for the Grandman . This will have a substantial econom ic :11pact over the years to come . We are also holding a book festival in conjunction with the Grand Festival of Arts Oct 8 th and 9th . The streets are already closed downtown , we are partnering with GFA and w ill have the book fest ival port ion on De La Mare . The Center for the Writing Arts w ill be one of the beneficiaries . S incerely, Karin Wilson The Good Life Foundation (Formally Page & Palette Foundat ion ) -_/ ©~-. .,,,,..., . , I I ' . DATE: TO: FROM : June 8, 2011 Sherry Sullivan City of Fairhope Necie Borroni, Vice President Fairhope Rotary Club SUBJECT: Permit Waiver Annual Rotary Steak Cook -off The purpose of this letter is to request permit waivers including the street fee rental and security fee for the annual Fairhope Rotary Club steak cook-off scheduled for Friday, May 11, 2012. The proceeds from th is event are used to fund college scholarships for local students as well as to support other local and international charitable endeavors . Thank you for your consideration. Please contact me at (251)621- 4438 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Nec ie Borroni MARC ~ As.Jod,dott (0( kwdtd Ottum. Inc. 2H4 Gonion Smida Drive ,\foblle, AL 36617 l.51 /479-7409 FAX: 251/4'7.3-7649 DAVID M. TRESSLER Pruldl'nl MICHAEL P. FEORE Flnt Vke President GILBF.RT B. LADEN S,cond Vice l'n!sltl,nt Sf:N. RUSTY GI.OVF.R Third Vice Pre!ddrnl VIVIAN IIODCE Secretary CHARLES W. WOOD Treasurer DR. SAM EL J. STRADA lmmedhlie Past P~ ldent BOARD OF OIRECTORS Paml'la An11erholzer l>tnn18 :unpbell \-11 Clark Iba. .,I H. EckhofT '1.L. Enrttt Haury Friedlander hp. Victor (;aston ~llen Ladd ltlty McReynold! :hawn W. Prrloff 'Ina R. Pitt o Shannon :n. (;lenn Vl'rnon DVJSORV BOARD nn Red.~ole ep. Wllll11m Clark homau P. Cuplel r. Bert .t-:lchold, II in. Vlvhin D. Fll(u~ nrl Fournier mild Frll'dlunder •. James c;ordon ip. J11rnle hon ,rnestlne Moort : J~,ph Mllchdl mu,1 R. PerlolT thur Prfnu nrstlne Prltchl'lt my F. !U c h '" ry,on, Jr. Wlalllmlr Wl'rll'ledd ..:, ·v1-: DIRE<.:rnR Z,.h .,ly May 4 . 2011 City of Fairhope Sherry Sullivan PO Drawer 429 Fairhope , AL 36532 Dear Ms . Sullivan In reference to your letter of 5/2/11 , from time to time a group of individuals who attend one of our Day Programs will plan a field trip to Fairhope Beach . Usually we like to reserve the pavilion and have a picnic . In the past you have kindly allowed us free admission to the beach . We would very much appreciate having the use fees waived in the future, although at present we do not have any specific dates in mind . Thanks for your consideration ..- l) lie Pittman FDC Program Manager \ I 'nlttd Way \atocy ,tnct 11159 \ l 'h11rltr mtmhu of the ,\re 111 \111hu11111 'ilnrt 11157 l huplrr No. hi I l'h~ \ re I •.S . Ecumenical Ministries, Inc. Helping People Help Themselves June 10, 2011 The Honorable Tim Kant, Mayor City of Fairhope 161 N. Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 Dear Mayor Kant, It is that time of year again in which we come to our city for much needed support for Ecumenical Ministries' clients. Our agency is now serving more Fairhope residents than ever before through our Emergency Aid program at EMI. Last year we provided $43,189 .00 worth of emergency aid for 483 families/individuals in crisis compared to $35,833 .10 for 2010 ... a difference of almost $7,355.90. Because we encounter many families struggling with job loss or reduction in hours, we provide assistance for rent and mortgage payments, help with utility costs, food, child care expenses, gasoline, medicine or other medical needs. Many low income elderly and disabled clients In and around Fairhope rece ive help through Home Repa i r and Meals on Wheels . Our operating budget for the 2010/2011 year is $580,000 .00. As you know, our fund i ng comes from United Way ($71,000), individual donations ($125,000.00) ... the rest from local churches, businesses, governments, Emmy's Thrift Shop profits and our annual fundraiser, Chili for Char ity. Last fiscal year, we did not receive any funding from Fairhope city government, however, we are deeply grateful for the years you have been able to support our work in the commun ity. Because we are acutely aware that finances are tight for many city governments as well as fam ilies , we are keeping our $10 ,000 funding request at the level it has been for the last five years . Again we hope that you w ill reflect on what it means to the struggling fam ilies i n our area to have the help they require to get through a crisis period in their lives. So many of these deserving clients have children to feed and cl othe ... a situation on which we will not turn our backs . Eastern Shore Office 564 Fairhope Ave. • Fairhope, AL 36532 (251) 928 -3430 • Fax (251) 928-3902 ecumenic@bellsouth.net www.baldwinemi.org P.O . Box 1103 • Fairhope, AL 36533 South Baldwin Office 102 W. Spruce Ave . • Foley, AL 36535 (251) 943 -3445 • Fax (251) 943 -3452 emifoley@gutftel.com For your review, I have enclosed our most recent annual report, an EMI brochure and a breakdown of the services we've provided in the year past. Please remember that the funding we have so generously received from the city in years past is always used to help residents of Fairhope. Funding from other city governments such as Foley and Daphne are utilized in-the same manner. I hope you won't hes itate to ask any questions or voice any concerns about our request. We· are happy to comply. EMI exists to serve our clients and our city. We want to do the very best job for both. Sincerely, Sc'--.9,.S-'-'::)~~ Sally Deane Executive Director Enc: 3 cc: Debbie Quinn. Councilwoman Mike Ford, Councilman Rick K.ingrea, Councilman Dan Stankoski, Councilman Lonnie L. Mixon, Councilman Ecumenical Ministries, Inc. Financial Assistance to Fairhope Residences May 1, 2010-April 31, 2011 Emergency Aid Program 483 fam i lies (Uti lity assistance•, rent, gas vouchers, medical, misc . ass i stance) Home Repair (Pro j ects completed in Fairhope) Food Pantry : Meals on Wheels: Chr i stmas Sha ri ng : meals distributed 21,888 5,044 meals delivered to 69 cl ients 238 children @ $60.00 each 25 elderly @ $40 .00 each Total value of direct aid to the Fairhope community: • Add itional utility ass istance not us ing the City of Fairhope Relief Fund . $43,189 $4,898 $27,360 $18,915 $14,280 $1,000 $109,642 (value) (value) c:.M1 11 ,,JJ, fl• o <')}1 ·<·., ... 011e i11 Fmrliope wu/ Wl(ltltt·r i11 f11l<'y. r .1en•1 ·,• art'll i11c/1ull!:; Su wli ffoltlw111 0111/f y e11111 11,c Ea s tt'fll Shore . T11 •0 of 011r 1£•11 pro- g r11111 .,, l:JC J-J.0.1'.£. /11011si11g co1111 .\·eli11g J """ Com - 111111w _, De1 ·elop111,·111 .. 1en·e all uf Ba/d1ri11 Co1111ty . Fur 1 0/111111·,·r oppun1111i1ies, call 01 11 · ujjiccs in Foley or Fllirhupe .. "Helping People Help Themselves" EMI OFFICES Eastern Shore Serving the communities of Fairhope, Daphne, Point Clear; Ma/bis, Spanish Fort, Barnwell, and Be/forest 564 Fairhope Avenue Fairhope, AL 36532 PO Box 1103 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-3430 Phone 251-928-3902 Fax South Baldwin Serving the communities of Foley, Lillian, Bon Secour; , Elberta, and Magnolia Springs 102 W. Spruce St. Foley, AL 36535 251-943-3445 Phone 251-943-3452 Fax • I'-:-\ ' y 1 .:~·- Of Baldwin County What is EMI~ Ecumenical Ministries, Inc. A comprehensive social service agency partn ering with Baldwin County United Way www .baldwinem i.org (} Ec umenica\ t'linistr\es Ba\aw,n Co r. 1e111l "' ,'v/1111 .11nc1>. l11 c .. ha., ·c1Tecl H<1ld,n11 uI11I1 _, Jor I/lure 1/wn 40 y ean . Tlw age11c_1 S /(/rl - ,·d in l'-J6Y 11 ·11h u11e program and lws t'X/Hl11di:d us :,en·ice:, ow1r 1/11: y11(1n to i11c:l ucfr ten differeut uJferi11gJ.. Our .1·1ajfnwkes ever_ ejj'urt w provide e111crge11ty cmd eris fa· (lid JO 1ie1[:hburs i11 need ... luw i11cu11u:Ja111ilies, the dimbled and 1/Je dclerly. EMI Programs Emergency Aid, Food Pantries, Gleaning The urgem needs of indiv 1duah requiring as- !>i!>l:.tm:c: for food. uliliLies, rl!nt, mcdical, trans- punauon and olher :-.ervice are fully reviewed and mt!l by EMI staff and trained volumc:ers . Our iuod pantries are primarily stocked by lo- .. d chun:hes, :-.chools and individuab . Whcn a\ adablc:. EMI's Gleaning program add:-, fresh baked nem!>, fruits and produce given by lo- cal farmer . gr cers and rc:slauranls . Emc:r- gl!n9 Aid work by appointment on Tul!:-,- day~ and Thursdays, 9:00 a .m. -11 :00 a.m . Meals on Wheels EIJcrly and d1:-,abled nl!ighbor:-. who arc: ph)'si- cally hmill!d and/or unable to prepare a hut, nu- Lnt1ous mc:al art: recipients or lhi:-. imponan1 pro- gram . Volumeers deliver ml!als 5 day:-. a week . To become a oluntec:r driver, call 928-3430 . H ome Repair Thi:-. EMI program provide:-. help for low income eldc:rly and handicapped clients who require ass1\1ancc Wllh basic home repairs and, \ hen 111.:ctkd, long-Lerm hurricane recovery. Repairs an: ofll!n madl! by hardworking volunteers and can include rouli11;;,, lluuring. p lumbing, wheelchair ramp consu·uctiun a:. wdl a:-. m.her improvc:111cnl!,. Prescription Assistance Thi!, vital program helps the elderly, Lhe unin~ured and under-insured secure life-. aving medi aLions at no cost. DedicaLed volunteers hdp client complete the necessary paperwork. E M I works closely with panicipaLing phar11uu:eu1ical indigent care programs including Ozanam ChariLable Pharmacy in Mobile . Community Development When inviLed, Lhe s1.aff Lrains leade rs m ch urch- based organizations Lo help their cornmuni Lies tackle and olve to ugh problems such as esca- lating homeowners insurance, drugs in schools, paving din road:-., building sidewalks, eradicat- ing public blight and many o ther Lroubling issues . Baldwin County Home Ownership and Property Enhancement BC H.0.P.E. is a HUD (Ho using a nd Urban Develop- ment) approved Housing Counsding agency 1ha1 of- fe rs Baldwi n Co unty its first and only one-stop cen- ter providing financial literacy ed ucation . It offer. pre-purchase an d po t-pun:hase counsding as well as delinquency/default and pre.daLOry lending coun- seling . The staff counsels Lhose facing foreclosure, the homeless and addres es Lenanl/landlord issues . Christmas Sharing This is an annual community effon hc:aded by EMl to reach out lo those families, children and dderly in need during ChrisLmas. The program provides spe- cially requesLed gifts and food bashts. Donations ,u·c made by lo-.mg individuab, c hurd11.:~. bu:.int::-.\e s and oLhc.:r agencit!!> through u 1r diSLribulion cc:lllen, in Foley an d Fairho pe. Emmy's Thrift Sh op Wilh lhe help or ommunlly d nation!> and dependable volumeers. Emmy ·~ pro - vides many cli~m~ with usable iLen s ( IOLh- mg, appliance~. furmture) fr om our s ho p at 562 Fairhope Avenue . Open I 0 :00 a .m . -4 :30 p.m . Munday -Frida and IU :UU :.L m . -2:30 p .m. on SaLurday . For donation pi c l...- ups call 367-3669. Find w, on faceboul.... Annual Fundra ise r Chili for Charity Cook -Off EMl's annual fundrai:-,er i~ held each year in February al Oak Hollow farm and f c:aLUre s a competition among local chili tl!a.1fu . Beau- tiful pouery prizes are mad!! by lo al p uc:r, Tom Jones . In addition. there ' lively mu!>ic by Blind Dog Mike and thi:: Howler:-., children' games, hay rides, bake sales and mu ·h mure . All proceeds fund the social :-.ervice program!> of EMI. For information on sponsorships and tea ms call 9 28-3430 in Fairhope or 943-3445 iu Foley. EASTERN SHOR E C HA M B ER OF C O MMERCE PO . Drawer 310 Daphne , Al abama 36526 -0310 Overlook 29750 Larry Dee Cawy er Dnve Daphne , Alabama 251 621.8222 FAX 251 621 8001 Downtown Fa irhope 327 Fairhope Aven ue 251 928 .6387 FAX 251 928 .6389 ww w.ESchamber co m 111: offi ce ~ESc ham ber co m May 20, 2011 ayor Tim Kant City of Fairhope PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 Dear Mayor Kant : Please accept this as an official request to be placed in the city's budget for the upcoming fiscal year for support of Blueprint for a Better Tomorrow . The Chamber is requesting the amount of $35,000.00 for the Fi cal Year 20 1 1-12. Thank you for your commitment to Blueprint for a Better Tomorrow and investing in the future of the Eastern Shore. By supporting these initiatives in hard economic times you help grow and sustain business that can then support the community. ( ··-9 rrdyn~ /President... ) l:C: Ri1.:k Kingrca like Ford Lonnie 1ixon Dan Stanko ·ki Dt::bbie Quinn Ro se Fogarty 'herry ullivan EASTERN SHORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PO . Dr awer 310 Da phn e. Aln ba ma 36526 -0310 Ov er look 297 50 Larry Dee Cawye r Drive Da phne , Ala ba ma 251 621 8222 FAX 251.621 8001 Do wntown Fairho pe 327 Fairhope Avenu e 251 928 .6387 FAX 251 928 .6389 •·,ww ESch amber com iii: off ice @ESchambe r com May 20. 20 11 May o r Tim Kant City of Fairhope PO Box 429 Fairho$j,e AL 36533 .~\-Q(tj /9 Dear~ Please accept this as an official request to be placed in the city's budget for the upcoming fiscal year . The Chamber is requesting the amount of $6 ,000.00 to hdp us meet the cost of our overhead to run the Chamber of Commerce. Between July 2010 and May 2011 , we averaged 31,435 visitors per week on our ESchamber website . The Chamber staff answers over I 00 ,000 phone calls a year from people asking questions about relocation, business and tourist information. The Chamber recorded 19,152 visitors in our Fairhope and Scenic Overlook offices . The Chamber promotes the City of Fairhope on a rebrular basis, as well as s upplying demographics and other data to people and businesses inquiring about our area. We promote the local churches and civic dubs, as well as supplying information about area schools , as part of promoting our community. Thank you for your attention in this matter and for partnering with the Chamber of Commerce to romote o ur beautiful area . cc : Rick Kingrea M ike Ford Lo nn ie Mixon Dan Stankoski Debbie Quinn Ros e Foga rty . hc rry S u l Ii van EASTERN SHORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PO . Drawer 310 Daphne. Alabama 36526·0310 Overlook 2975 0 Larry Dee Cawyer Drive Da phne . Alabama 251 .621 .8222 FAX 251 621 8001 Downtown Fa irhope 327 Fairhope Avenue 251 .928 6387 FAX 251 928 .6389 www .ESchamber com 0 ai l: olfice@EScllamber.com City of Fairhope .July 2010 -May 20 l l The mission of the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce is to support tability and growth for the business community by providing services that cultivate economic expansion and community development. • The Chamber produces over 26 publications an d brochures that highlight the advantages of living and investing in, as well as visiting Fairhope and the Eastern Shore. The publications are ent out to pro spec tive new industries, busines ses and individuals that are relocating to our area, as well as to potential tourists . • The Chamber receives an average of 75,000 telephone calls per year. • From July 20 IO through May 2011, the Chamber recorded the following key in ternet sta ti stics: Average weekly hits 31,435; Total number of hits 1,508,878 . Our website www .eschamber.com hosted American traffic from 50 states in the U.S. • The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors approve chambe r members to serve on Baldwin Co unty Economic Devel opme nt Alliance Board of Directors, representing the Eastern Shore. • The Chamber's Annual Arts & Crafts Festival in Fairhope hosts over 250,000 people and brings in an economic impact of over S5 million dollars each year. • From July 20 IO through May 20 I I , the Chamber provided packets of info nnation to more than 2,461 people visiting our area for various conventions and group tours which re ulted in the Jistribution of 14. 700 hru chun.:s promoting our area to these vi ·itors. • Frum July 20 IO through May 2011. the Chamber of Cummen.:e recorded a total of 19,152 visitors in the Fairhope location and the Overlook location pro mot ing Fairhope businesses . • There were 551 inte rnation al visitors recorded at the Scenic 0 erluok Visitors Center for the sa me time period . • Demographic data abnut the dty u f Fairhope is kept and upJatcd on an ;mn ual hasis for Jistributinn to busine sses and people inll.:rcsted in mo ing to the area . • Darrdyn Ucnder n.:prcsents Fa irlwpc hy ser 111g on till.: 1\lat>ama rra'vd ·oum.:il and is also on the Goard of J isors to the Alabama Bureau of Tourism & fravel representing the Ecnnornic De dopm l.!nt . lliam:c of Alabama . • Darrcly n BenJer is nn the E:~ecutive l3oanl of tht: BalJwin Cllunty Public Transit Coa lition . • Darrclyn Bender serves on the Executive Board uf Mobile Bay 1 atio nal Estuary Program (1 fobile Bay N EP) • Darre lyn Bender adJresses the participants compding for the Dogwood Trail Court in Fa ir hop e about community. • The Ch:unber o ffers monthly meetings featuring timely is ues and topics, as well as serving as a networking opportunity such as Business Briefs, Economic Development Council Workshops, Morning Marketing Meeting and Business After Hours . • The Chamber hosts local legi s lative receptions to build better relationships . • The Chamber is a member of the Southeast Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission which provides relocation and retirement infonnation for the City of Fairhope through the website www .alabamaadvantage.org. • The Chamber promotes the quality and convenience of shopping locally and supporting local businesses . • The Chamber serves as a resource and faci litator for the ci ties and lndu trial Development Boards . • The Chamber arranges leadership trips to visit other area to gain insight and seek s lutions to com mon challenges. • The: hamber ·crves Fairh ope Youth through the Eas tern Shure hamber Youth Le adershi p Program. In M .. m;h 20 11 , tht: program com pleted its ninth year. • From July 20 IO through May 20 I I. the Chamber ·ent ou t 2 77 infonna ti o n pa cke ts with 96 going to peo ple relocating to our area; 22 to people inquiring about retirement opportunities an d 159 packets were ent to those people intere ·ted in visiting ou r area. .. ' J \ • I EASTERN SHORE C HAMB ER OF C OMM ERCE P.O. Drawer 310 Daphne, Ala ba ma 3652 6-0 310 Overloo k 29750 Larry Dee Cawye r Dr ive Da phne , Alaba ma 251 621 8222 FAX 251 621.8001 Downto wn Fairhop e 327 Fa irhope Aven ue 251 928 6387 FA X 251 .928 .6389 ww ESchamber.com ~ma,1· oHice ES cham ber com May 20, 201 l Mayor Tim Kant City of Fairhope PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 Dear Mayor Kant: Please accept this as an official request to be placed in the city's budget for the upcoming fiscal year for support of Blueprint for a Better Tomorrow . The Chamber is requesting the amount of 535,000 .00 for the Fiscal Year 2011-12. Thank you for your commitment to Blueprint for a Better Tomorrow and investing in the future of the Eastern Shore . By supporting these initiatives in hard economic times you help grow and ustain business that can then support the community. Re pectfull --~ r7dc111 cc : Ri1.:k Kingre:.i t i ke F rd Lonnie Mixon Dan Stanko k i Debbie Quinn Rosi! Fngarty . : . EASTERN SHOR E CH A M B ER OF CO M M E RCE PO . Drawer 310 Daphne . Alabama 36 526 ·03 10 Overlook 2975 0 Larry Dee Cawyer Drive Daphn e, Alabama 251 621 ,8222 FA X 251 621 .8001 Down town Fairhope 327 Fairhope Avenu e 251 928 .6387 FAX 251 928 .6389 www .EScham be r.com 1a1t · ottice •lliESc amber.com May 20, 2011 Mayor Tim Kant ity of Fairhope PO Box 429 rairh ( ' Dear 1 : Please accept this as an official request to be placed in the city's hudget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Chamber is requesting the amoun t of $6,000.00 to hdp us meet the cost of our overhead to run the Chamber of Commerce. Between July 20 IO and May 2011, we averaged 31,435 visitors per week on our ES chambe r website. The Chamber staff answers over I 00,000 phone calls a year from peop le asking questions about relocation, business and tourist infonnation. The Chamber recorded 19,152 visitors in our Fairhope and Scenic Overlook otlices . The Chamber promotes the City of Fairhope on a regular basis, as well as supplying demographics and other data to people and businessts inquiring about our area. We promote the local churches and civic clubs, as well as supplying infonnation about area schools, as part of promoting our community. Thank you for your attt:ntion in this matter and for partnering with the hamber of Commer promote o ur beauti fut area. / / -/ Darrdyn Bs:n<le President / cc: Rick Kingrea Mike Fl>rd Lonnie Mixon Dan Stankoski Dcbhic Quinn Rnse Fogarty I I ',. t .i : .' t •' • C •• ; • • f ,' f I • • ., \\i lll ;111 :1111111 ;11 _ ·111plu~111c 11t i 111p ;1d 111" lh! _,1)(l _111h ;111d ·~(,X ll 1111111111 1 111 !;lie ;111d Inc.ii 1,1\L'"· I >uri11 1; tile ::/•1. 1 · ·: ,r ,1 ,,,. /', 1 ;1,,., ,.,. JlL'riud ( 20()~ lllru ~()()IJ) till' li >llo , i11~ 111 ·1rkd -.li:1rc \\:1--; 111a11a .~cd h~ lite 1 ·.1-..,lL'rn '-;l_1nrc ( ·1i :1111lh.:r 111 Ille '-ip;111 i\li h1rt. l>:1plllli..:, :111d 1:;1irl1 P fh~ c111111111111i1i1-:\. • . ....... 1.1,5.lli • I .P1: •. d 1·.1\ l{c c11ui: ( il..'.th.:ra,cd ·•\'!In ,,,~Jill ('l'J/llltr/t fio · :!1 :'1'd1J/lll l1 'J(( iln, \II ·1 /111111 11·11 111 · , . .,,,,.,,,.' :flll l ,11,loiuuhl,1 .'J"' .. 1/1 ,lllnl /;' l ·,1,·,•/u /(r /J/,111J1,·tl ,r,'I(/ ,, ·,•1 111,·,I. ,ti/ o_f 1!,,, /,·11d1 •,·s ill ti ///' /l thlic 1111,/ eri,·1 1 /1 1 \/1 ( /1 1 1'\' {() ,t,1.11d ,,,,rf h £1 ,·,,11,11 ,·d /1 ,-,':/11,·11,.iut /111· 1 ,'~, t.'t-·r /',,,11,,,.,·,1 .... " .';n •,111 1 1:,,, .'1. l),1 ;,/111 •. :11l r/t1 ,,, r u 1 ,;1tr \' . . I I I ' I I •, ' • j t I I ., •• ' t ••• •. ,, • f I ' I I I • ('II ,,,.,,,, :111 . l•11 1h1 ,, \I ·,,.,., 1111111 • 1 '·lttt I ,-,~.' l\t'•Jth 1 I ,1,q1. f,,.,d 1 b .11h •l ·•· 1li 11 11l,1111 11 IJ!ue1Jri11t ./1Jt' to111orro}v Jt:\l'l'.ll tiH' S11111m ar _v 11f \cn ,mplhhnwnt.'i WO. and !O IO El'.nnomic Drnlopntl'llt I. Fcasibi lily Study fo r Research /Tech />ark 011 the Eastern Shore dl!vdnpc:J by Cit'orge , llenry, (;evrge Partners, l.l.C n:c;ulting in a Business Plan '-llp porti.:d by BCEDJ\, l Jnivcrc;ity of Alabama amJ Auburn ni t!rsity. 2. Esrablisht:J The f_ocal llusiness Research Ta sk Force i dc11tifyi11g workshop topics targctl.!J al improving ~rvice . rhec;e '><!ssions wert! attcmk<l by -WO busi11t!ss o,-..ncrs \)\er J years. Education/ \Vork fore~ Dcvl'lopnu•nt 3. Stuuent fraining & E:(ploration Program (STEP) 1.'Urriculum pl act!s <;tudcnts i n tht! wo rkpl act! nf 5iX high demand , high growth inJu stry Sc::clors . .i. Choices. "economic life basics" class a vailable ro all seventh grade 'itudents in public and private schools prc~nted to 3. 972 students in IJ2 classes. Tourism & .\larkcti11~ ot' the Ea!',tcrn Shon~ 5. Opene<l the cenic Overlook Visitors Center 7 days a wct!k promot ing Fairhope, Daphne and Spanish Fort in Baldwin County~ 74,611 tour i5 1s assisted in 2.5 years. In :ldu ition . Fairhope Oftice assisted -I 5 . .i 29 touri5tS during lhe nl ue pr int period. 6. Sponson:<l c.:011fere11ces: The Southern Economic Development Council .t111111al Meeting .i nd The Govemors Conference 011 Tourism and Travel wit h over 125 top to urism ofticia ls of the sta le. Also assisted wil h environmental c.:onferen ~:es <;ponsored by \Veeks Bay Re serve Foundation ,llld S111t1rt Cou.\'I . 7 _ . t!W internet marketing ,trutegy im plemcn tcd induding u-;ing Fai.:chook. Twitter. Con stanl C untact ,\long with "niche" websites marketing the reuion induJing 1111 >:I/W\',,W .~•c,1\,tl i \c . 1J1ll C'>lablishcd tn promote for all three cities and regio n al ,11tnh.:tio11s ;111 d http ://·\\l,'.v.•:~>r1 ..:.tl .1 li,111 1a .l.'11111 to ilt lract regional p(lrrinv cwnrs. l'r:t n spoa ·ta tion/1 nt'ra,tn1dun.• Study ~. Tr.111,purtation Study for the Ea.,t~rn Shore dt:\Clupcd h> (irc:\·/it1111 Smith un d /'(lrfnar n:sulting i n an AL'lion !>Ian .111 u •;oun:cc; 1Jf t'1111 J ing. :\l',(l, idc11titicd tht! 111:L·tl fnr thri.:e t11.1i11 hub .tl ono the: Fastcrn "ihorc . Y. l'arrnc rc u ,1,ith BR .\TS .111 d 1-:mi sion ,tn d '11.!lpcd prnmoti.: IJayl.inc . whkh lws i.:~pandcu l o 1,.,,0 bu~'i i nto Mol>ile .111 d back .,gain. I 0 . K i l.'kl.!d off the! Shord.inc. a new bus route for Fa!'.t~rn Shore Emp lo yers. 111 p;trtnl.!r'>hip ,1,ith HR ,\TS, ( :n \' 'l'l lllll'll t \ I t':,ir, 11 . ll.tld\-..1n ('.,11 111 , p,1-.. 1:-; ··Spirito{ Coopttmtio11" rl.'·,,,luti1111. ·,pnn ·,orL·d hv 1111.! 1-. ·1 ·c ·. 1: t.1bli .... 1t i11 g .1111111;tl r',,rtt111 hri11g.i11g t,>g.cthl'r ,,11r 1hrl.!c ci111.::-. 1,, \\nrk ,111 11~1.! jHlllL'L'l'i. 12 . l \1.1lili..;lt,:d thL' .1111111.tl Ea .... tern S hore l.c~i...,lati~e \~~11da a11d .:-..1.1 hl 1-..ht·d kg,-..l.111\1.! fon 1111'> di ,t·1 ,-,-..i11!.!. i-..-.11c, t'.1ri11:,1, ltic :tl l111 .... i ,tL''i -...:, i11 l'lud111~ propcn, i11 ,11r,t 1tl'L'. [)LLJEPRINT FORA BETTER T /\\ORROvV An lnitla tNt of th e E.istm Shor! C mile< of Commerce Dear Eastern Shore Community Leader, Bluepri nt for a Better Tomorrow is a continuat ion of a community-wide, five-year in it1 at 1ve sponsored by the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce to establ ish a public-pr ivate partnersh ip to gu ide and st imula te economic growth on the Eastern Shore . Thi s ini tiat ive buil ds upon the highly success( ul Blueprin t for Tomorrow which was developed in 2006 and ends th is year. Our new plan was developed over the last six months by approximately 100 key corporate and commun i ty l eaders from Daphne. Fa irho pe, Spanish Fort and Point Clear. This bold effort continues to unite our corporate and community leadership w i th our public officials and combines our resources to the benefit of our communit ies . The miss ion of Blueprint for a Better Tomorrow 1s to engage the necessary leadership to define and address our communities' need s and opportunities. Blueprint for a Better Tomorrow will create an env ironment where bus in ess and community leaders can collaborat e with our local, stat e and federal ottioals to develop and implement dynamic new programs that will enable us manage our growth in a smart and defined manner and ensure our economic vitali ty ,n the future. In order to be successful, Bluepri nt for a Better Tomorrow needs the input, energy, ideas and financ ial support from everyone on the Eastern Shor e. In the pages that follow, you will learn how your ongoing support of actions init iated under Blueprint for Tom o rrow will be carefully inves ed in this new ini t ia t iv e. As Campaign General Co-Chairs of Bluepr i nt for a Better Tomorrow we consider this init iative vitally i mportant to our communit ies' economic well-bein g . If you share our conc ern for the futu re of the Eastern Shore and the need for carefully focused economic and community development, please join us and other leaders of Bluepr int for a Better Tomorrow i n pledg ing your support to th is important program . W i th hope and exrnement for our future, David Clark General anager Grand arnott Hotel, Golf Club nd Spa Campaign General Co-Chair nm Rosson Pres ident Baldw1n/Mob1le BBVA Compass Bank Cam pa ig n Gener I Co-Chair J11l u1.:l,11 •J .1 1 1 ..! ,=i, t•.n ,1 -1 1 1'11 ,· 1.17•::) ~d •jt:;•-11 '11 ·:,11 ,11 ',_ l f 1\1e,n ';hort! : 1 Jn be, 111 Comrncrce MOBILE BAYKEEPER~ OFFICE RS : W 8,y•n P,IP"• J,. P,~1,dttn t John C. ~II V. I! P,~11d,m t M41C L. Ree d St!etdd,Y J ~nson O 'Connor, Ill r,l!dSUf ~ Cd si (~c) C,11.twdy &«u/Jv" D,il!Ctor .t 8.,y!rrp~ BOA RD MEMBERS : bt Cooper Ch,i , Fuch, Mdrtd Gwrnn Ver onocd H "rndon 5.illy e Ensli ,h lrv ,ne Thom ds lishtcdp C R.,y Mdyh dn, Jr 8 G,t:n Rdckliff L. Pd'J f! Stdkup, Ill •n k R. Summtm:IL J, ~eW,lldrd HONORARY MEM BERS : Ji mm y Bulft:tt Robt:rt Evdnl, MD J<tek V Grim r,,rr Hd,il q trcdertd T Kuykotn<ldn, Il l E Rob L~dlho!,l,,ury G ,~90,y S. McG,,. MD Jo me, •Jimbo • Meddo, M h.el MeshJd, fvU) E .,d N. M om~, J, en,y R. Se•w~U. Ill Stcwdrl Th dmofs 150 C G ov ~m m,nt S11,d M<Jb,le, AIJb.m. l66J2 (2 51) 4 J J 4 229 F.,.: (2 51) 4 32 8197 :(ft!b "te www m ,'~►ktept:r or Em J ,nfo'< t, m ,J ~b.,y ~ep,tr or9 "> /;c!J,,-.,. W Af ERKEE PER 'i\l LI,\ (E MEMBER • . ., ll1 i'f I •'II, I '0 1 1 ' r • I , '' 1 1l ,,,./ 1, 1, ,. '' May 9,20 1 I City o f F:tirho pe Mayor Tim Kant Council President Lonnie Mixon I 07 North ection Stred Fairhope. labama 36532 Dear tayor Kant and Council Pre ident Mixon : RECE I Y.ED HAY -l T hank you so much for the multiple years of past s upport of the Annual Grandman Triathlon. The racers, their families and friends repeatedly commented on the spectacular setting and the wonderful support given by the Fairhope Police Department and Fairhope residents. Our research also tells us that the merchants, business and hotel owners in the area benefited greatly from the race as well. · Even before the 2011 race scheduled for 6/4, we are already planning for next year's event and have selected June 2, 2012, keeping the Saturday after Memorial Day as our annual date. We are writing to request the City Council t waive a portion of the park fees along with several other minor request the City has been able to grant for the last several years . r n order to hold the event each year, we need the following permissions from the City of Fairhope: I. We request the City of Fairhope waive the park rental fees of $2950 as per resolution #1677 -10 . We are asking to pay our previous rental fee of $150 . Mobile Baykeeper is a not for profit 50 lc3 with a large membership who lives in the City and our work greatly benefits the City of Fairhope. Additionally, Fairhope receives tremendous economic and advertising benefit from the Grandman Triathlon . 2. We request permission to use the Fairhope Municipal Park on Saturday, June 2, prior to the race . We wilt c lose the road entering the orth Municipal Park to traffic from 5 :00 am until the last racer finishes (latest finish last year: 9:30 am). We do understand that there are residents that park in the area and businesses that must gain access . The race starts at 7:00 am, and we expect the last racer to cross the finish line by t 0 :00am . II cyclists should be off of the b ike course by 9 :JU am . We will s ubmit the required forms to the Fairhope Recreation Department. J . We would a gain like to have the post race event in the so uth park and st:rve beer. The City o f Fairhope has agreed to allow us to serve beer eac h ye ar because we covered the beer wagon with a ign, ert:cted barricades around the po st race ev e nt, and se rved non-alcoholic drinks as welt as pizza and fruit. We have added additional safeguards of barricades and s ign age to keep drinking within tht: park an d ad dit iona l sta ff members to t:n ure no on e under age is drinking . . I .. ,j 11 @) Eastern Shore Optirnist Club @ Po ·t Olfo.:I.! !lox <,:o Junel4,2011 Fairhope City Council P.O. Drawl.!r 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 To Whom It May Concern: Fa irho pe A la ba ma 'i 6 -J In responding to your letter of May 2, 2011 about requesting waivers, we the Eastern Shore Optimist Club (ESOC) would like to request the following waivers or sponsorships. • We the SOC are requesting a fee waiver or sponsorship for the rental of the Fairhope Civic Center. The Eastern Shore Dogwood Trail Pageant and Scholarship Program is to be held in January 2012 . The pageant has been held in the Civic Center since 1984 and the ESOC has been sponsoring the program since I 979. In order to offset the considerable cost of staging the pageant, funding the scholarships, providing the dresses, and transportation to appearances, we sell Christmas trees, pageant tickets, programs, and concessions. We also receive occasional donations. The participants are from the Eastern Shore. The Fairhope area usually has six to ten participants annually. The last two years there have been six young women on the court. The program promotes among the Eastern Shore's youth and active interest in good government and civic affairs and inspires respect for the law and patriotism for our county and country. We respectfully request that any fees pertaining to the rental of the Fairhope Civic Center be waived or sponsored. • We 1he ESOC are requesting a waiver or ·ponsorship for the use of the property behind the Fairhope Library for the purpose of selling Christmas trees to fund 1he Dogwood Trail Program. The City of Fairhope has provided an area and ervice for the past 37 years . This is the main fund raiser we have to support the annual program . We lhe E OC are requesting an annual waiver or sponsorship for the use and s ervice to set-up the area behind the Fairhope Library for 1he Christmas tree s ell . (@ Eastern Shore Optirnist Club @) l 'os t Ot'til:i.! Box 65 0 Fairhupc Alabama 165 J • We the ESOC are requesting a waiver or s ponsorship for the use of the Fairhope pier/fountain area for the annual Easter Sunrise Service. This is the first year the ES OC has s ponsor of this annual event. This year the event provided a Christian service with more than JOO people in attendance. Photos of the service were also published on a local Christian radio station's website. The Easter Sunrise Service has been held at the pier/fountain for many, many years. We would like to continue to do so. We the ESOC are requesting an annual waiver or sponsorship for the use and service of the Fairhope pier/fountain area for the annual Easter Sunrise Service . Please review the above waivers and s ponsorships . We appreciate aJI that the City of Fairhope has done for our organization and look forward to working with and serving Fairhope and the Eastern Shore in the future . Thank you for your support. Respectfully , ~ Stephen E. Broadus President E~tem Shore Optimist Club Tbe Optir~tist CreeO Promise Yourseff- ro be so strottfJ tbat nothing can Disturb :9our peace of minv. To talk &et1lth, happiness, cm~ prosr1erit:9 to ever~ person ;9ow ~~~~-~~-----·-··--........... . To _make al[$!tf~f;~Mf~~~~~~~i:~~ge is sometbin9 ,n tbe .~({{:):::-:-····--.·.·.·.· ... _ ·-:::{:}}})\._ f lL :cc,.,,, .!!:,,Jtij b -gr ,,,.,,,,,,, ,.,,,,,,,,,,)!:: f .,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , tt!Jf pect 1f r/t / e <f tr / //\\\/ /I\// To 6fjiHt as ·l~:f@sia~ifo\d,ouf l ~tiwcc¢$]i$f otbe rs d~i!~~=t'e 9:~~~t l~!j;~;:::;::> /!} To i~;~t:~,~~1,;;;~~~~~f ;1tirr:~h on to tbe To wear a cbJitf~l Uf B.,;tiJii.~ti \it a{f )}mes a ni) give ever:9 living creature :9ou mee(a sn1ile. To Hive so mucb time to the imy,rovement of :9ourself tl7at 9ou have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worr9, too noble for ,mger, too strong for fear, an~ too bapy1:9 to permit tbe presence of trouble . OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL 'lD ITEM NO. Z89805 The History of the Dogwood Trail A walking trail was c reated in the 19 50 's celebrating the wonderful dogwood trees which bloomed throughout the area . This trail was mapped and opened along the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay . In 1960, the Special Events Comm ittee of the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce , cons ist in g of Barbara Gooden , Rochelle Nelson (McKee) and Dr. Robert McKee , decided to name a Dogwood Trail Queen . The committee selected Lynn Gooden of Fairhope High School , who reigned over the 1961 Arts and Crafts Festival and the Old World Street Celebration . Lynn was escorted by Robert "Butch" Mason and accompanied by an Old World Court selected by the various national-ethnic groups which had settled Baldwin County. These girls came from various schools and communities in the county and dressed in traditional costumes . As Dogwood Trail Queen , Gooden began a trad ition which has enhanced events on the Eastern Shore for fifty-one years . In October of 1961 , the first competition for Queen was held to select the 1962 Queen . Roberta Urbanek (Harris) was chosen . Again , an Old World Court was chosen from the various ethnic communities in Baldwin County to appear with the Queen at the Arts and Craft and Old World Festivals . This format was used to select the 1963 Queen, Mary Riggins . Several community leaders decided that this selection process was worth developing into a competition similar to the American Junior Miss Program held in Mobile each year. This program would give the contestants valuable lessons in poise and teamwork . The Eastern Shore Jaycees adopted the Dogwood Trail Program in 1964, patterning it after the national Junior Miss format and adding scholarships for winners . For several years, this pageant qualified winners to represent Baldwin County in the Alabama Junior Miss program . First held at Fort Reil Armory and then Fairhope Elementary School (now the K-1 Center), the girls competed in talent, interview, physical fitness and poise components as well as judge's interviews . From the growing number of entrants, a court consisting of a queen and four maids was selected by a panel of independent judges . The girls began their reigns at the annual Arts and Crafts Festival in March, and each year more and more appearances were added to their schedule. The queen and court became representatives of the Eastern Shore at events throughout the area . For several years , the pageant was held at the Fairhope Elementary School (K-1 Center). Obstacles such as crowded makeshift dressing rooms in the storage basement and a very small stage were overcome by the determined contestants . One year a 16 inch rain flooded the basement dressing rooms so substitute dressing areas were set up in classrooms, and the girls quickly adapted to enter the auditorium for their performances from the back of the audience. When this aud itorium was partitioned for classrooms, the 1977 pageant was moved to the Robertsdale Coliseum for one year . Over the years , the pageant grew to include 35 to 55 participants and began to attract overflow audiences . Finally , in 1983 the pageant was moved to its current location when the city renovated an old shopping center to create the Fairhope C ivic Center. Th is new venue provided more seating , a larger stage, and dressing areas which gave the program more room and flexibility . By the mid 1970's, the girls were asked to participate in so many activit ies throughout the entire year that a major change was needed . The queens and courts began their reigns in March of their senior year in high school , meaning the girls were asked to return from college or jobs to participate in activ iti es later in their year. The Jaycees decided to include juniors in the program from 1974 through 1976 . Next, sophomores were added and seniors phased out of elig ibili ty . In 197 4 the first ju nior, Angie Lewis, was made queen : and in 1977 the first sophomore queen , Beth Whitehead , was cro wned . The contestants continue to co me from the sophomore and junior The History of the Dogwood Trail cl asses today . By 19 89 , the courts were making over 100 appearances per year , and began to travel ou ts ide the local area to represent the Eastern Shore . Ear ly leadership for the program was prov id ed by Larry and Sh irl ey Merr ihew , John and Nancy Falck , and Richard and Joan McKibbon. When the Eastern Shore Jaycees disbanded, John Falck encouraged the Eastern Shore Optimist Club to take over the program . Falck continued to lead the program w ith the assistance of his wife and the McKibbons for 17 years . Then, in 1985 , Cliff Goodleston and other Optimists took over production of the pageant. Goodleston, Paul and Jackie Neiland , Bob and Sue Mason , Sue Knight , and others Optimists continued the leadership of the program until JoAnn Broadus took the helm in 1994 . Mrs . Broadus and her staff of volunteers have continued the traditions of the pageant and have expanded the scope of the court's makeup and its responsibilities . The program provides the girls' dresses and has continued the scholarship program . Now the court consists of six maids , each taking the leadership role for two months. This experience adds to the character building experiences during the competition . The court still begins its year at the annual Arts and Crafts Festival and continues at events throughout the year . The court members have been spotlighted at the Mobile Sports Hall of Fame, The Senior Bowl, governor's conferences and inaugurations , the Elberta Sausage Festival, trade shows, Veteran's Day calibrations, Civil War reenactments , local parades as well as the Rose Bowl Parade, The Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington , D.C ., conventions, ribbon cuttings , and many other activities . They have greeted then President-elect George W . Bush and many state governors, senators , and representatives as well as celebrities and royalty . Their pictures have appeared on the front pages of papers including The New York Times and the Washington Post. The court has also travelled to places such as North Carolina, Tennessee , Florida , New York , Pasadena , and Washington , DC . All of the participants leave the pageant with a rich experience to add to their high school memories . For fifty-one years, teenage girls have learned poise and teamwork while gaining friendships as they participate in weeks of practices and activities. Often , the judges' interviews are a girl's first experience with a process that she will face in college and the work world . Former part icipants are now doctors , lawyers, nurses , teachers and professors , engineers , architects , community leaders, and other professionals . Even US Surgeon General Regina Benjamin was a member of the top ten participants . Although the program, which has reached over 2000 girls from the Eastern Shore , is fun for participants and winners , it is also a building block for their roles in their careers , leadersh ip positions , and families . For fifty-one years, the Dogwood Trail maids have been an easily recognizab le symbol of the hospitality of people of the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay . Their smiles enchant locals , tourists. and especially , small ch il dren . These courts have carried the news of the wonderful Eastern Shore and the Dogwood Trail well beyond the ir years of service . )·?. ' > {' 't, < • ~-.. ~\ Written by · Nancy Falck . December 2009